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CHAPTER 20 NEO-TAOISM: THE SENTIMENTALISTS 第二十章 新道家:主情派 IN their Commentary to the Chuang-tzu, Hsiang Hsiu and Kuo Hsiang gave a theoretical exposition of the man who has a mind or spirit transcending the distinctions of things and who lives according to himself but not according to others. This quality of such a man is the essence of what the Chinese call feng liu. 在《庄子注》中,向秀与郭象对于具有超越事物差别之心,“弃彼任我”而生的人,作出了理论的解释。这种人的品格正是中国的人叫做“风流”的本质。 Feng Liu and the Romantic Spirit In order to understand feng liu, we must turn to the Shih-shuo Hsin-yu or Contemporary Records of New Discourses (abbreviated as Shih-shuo), a work by Liu Yi-ching (403-444), supplemented by a commentary by Liu Hsun (463-511). The Neo-Taoists and their Buddhist friends of the Chin dynasty were famous for what was known at the time as ching t an, that is, pure or fine conversation. The art of such conversation consisted in expressing the best thought, which was usually Taoistic, in the best language and tersest phraseology. Because of its rather precious nature, it could be held only between friends of a comparable and rather high intellectual level, and hence it was regarded as one of the most refined of intellectual aclivilies. The Shih-shuo is a record of many such pure conversations and their famous participants. Through them, it gives a vivid picture of those people of the third and fourth centuries who were followers of the feng liu ideas. Ever since its compilation, therefore, it has been a major source for studying the feng liu tradition. “风流”和浪漫精神 为了理解“风流”,我们就要转回到《世说新语》(简称《世说》)上。这部书是刘义庆(403—444年)撰,刘峻(463—521年)作注。魏晋的新道家和他们的佛教朋友,以“清谈”出名。清谈的艺术在于,将最精粹的思想,通常就是道家思想,用最精粹的语言,最简洁的语句,表达出来,所以它是很有讲究的,只能在智力水平相当高的朋友之间进行,被人认为是一种最精妙的智力活动。《世说》记载了许多这样的清谈,记载了许多著名的清谈家。这些记载,生动地描绘了三、四世纪信奉“风流”思想的人物。所以自《世说》成书之后,它一直是研究“风流”的主要资料。 What, then, is the meaning of feng liu? It is one of those elusive terms which to the initiated conveys a wealth of ideas, but is most difficult to translate exactly. Literally, the t


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