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# 40 # 5 6 2008 11 我国环境库兹涅茨曲线: 形态、 ¹ 拐点和影响因素 (、) = 。, U , 11 9 ; , 11 04; 。, 。 , U 。 , 。 F2241 0 A Chinese Environmental Kuznets Curves: Shapes, Turning Points and Responsible Factors Abstract: This paper studies the Chinese Environmental Ku nets Curves rel2 ying on nonparametric approaches1 Results show that the water pollution curve is inverted U2shaped with little upswings on both sides, and turning point emer ges at 18997 Yuan1 The air pollution curve is upward sloping, and the slope coefficient is 11 041 In case of the solid waste curves, there are two trends1 The curve of the east regions r ises firstly and then stabili es, and the curve of the middle2west regions ri2 ses monotonously1 The heights of the curves are negatively related with the tertiary industry shar e1 The shapes of the curves will be hurt if the share of the second in2 dustry and the share of polluting sectors in industrial output increase1 In general, the slope coefficients of the air and solid waste pollution curves increase where min2 eral resources are rich and U2shaped curve of water pollution is more likely to occur where water resources are abundant1 Key ords: Economic Growth; Environmental Pollution; Ku nets Curve; Nonparametric ¹ 本文获广东外语外贸大学2007 年校级青年项目资助。感谢华中科技大学林少宫教 、王少平教 和中共广东省 委党校黄灼明教 的指点。 : 、 # 41 # 库兹涅茨 (Ku nets, 1955) 在研究收入不均与经济发展的关系时, 提出倒U 形的库兹 涅茨曲线。Grossman 和Krueger ( 199 1) 、Panayotou ( 1993) 以实证方法将其推广到环境 库兹涅茨曲线 (EKC) , 认为


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