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Reading Plus Ⅲ 新思维英语阅读Ⅲ--领悟阅读 by Jasmine 2007.10 Introduction of Lecture 4 1. Review Lecture 3 2. New Lessons 3. Assignments Review Lecture 3 Topic and Main Idea 主题与中心思想 --Step 1: to identify the topic To remember: Topics are expressed in words or phrases, never in sentences. --Step 2: to look for the main idea To remember: You can find the main idea of most reading passages by examining the last sentence of the introduction. But pay attention to the implied main idea. Recognizing Parts of the Supporting Paragraph 掌握辅助段落的构成要素及作用 Supporting paragraph:the paragraphs following the introduction in a reading passage. 1.The author’s point is usually stated in a sentence at the beginning of the paragraph (topic sentence). 2. The author uses details in each paragraph to develop the point made at the beginning. 3. The author uses the last sentence (the concluding sentence) in each paragraph to emphasize or clarify the point of the paragraph. Scanning 快速查找特定信息 --To read quickly for specific information. Move your eyes quickly down the page looking only for specific information. To remember: to pay more attention to -- numbers, names of months and days of the week -- commas(,), quotation marks(“”), hyphens(-), percentage marks(%), dollar signs($), parentheses(), -- abbreviations, capital letters, words in italics, bold face print, underlined words, etc. Chapter 10 Theme Rural and Urban Life --Theme Introduction (P141) Reading Skill Identifying Writing Patterns (了解常用写作手法) Four Passages on the Theme of Chapter 10 Identifying Writing Patterns Often reading passages contain writing patterns that can help us locate and separate the main idea from its supporting details. If we can identify the writing style of a reading passage, we will find it easier to find the main idea and its supporting details. Once we can do this, we will able to understand what the author is trying to say. Pattern of listing 列举事例、事件等 The listing of examples or events is one



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