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听力原文1996 PART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A?? TALK OK, good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. In the previous week we talked about different types of pollution, and this week I want to focus on air pollution, air pollution caused by the car. Its well known that cars are the main cause of air pollution in a city. This can mean up to 50% of some diseases or even higher than 90 % of all air pollution are caused by the car. Obviously cars contribute a great deal to the air pollution in our cities, and this will get worse as the number of cars increases in the cities. Firstly, I would like to talk about how cars cause air pollution. How does the car cause air pollution? Well, you are all familiar with internal combustion engine, there is a mixture of petrol which explodes, and the explosion that propels the car forward. Unfortunately, in this process there are some poisonous chemicals made, and these poisonous chemicals mainly come out of the back of the car through the exhaust. Now its not just what comes out of the car exhaust that is dangerous, the brakes also cause pollution. The brakes in some cars give off asphaltum, and you know asphaltum is, is highly dangerous substance, and can kill us. And thirdly, the tyres themselves give off small rubber particle which is not very good for health. We need to find solutions to this problem. Im going to talk about four possible solutions. Firstly, we could try and discourage the use of cars. We could do this by putting higher taxes on petrol, or we could make cars more expensive, we could put prices of cars up. Secondly, we might encourage alternative methods of transport. For example, recently in Shanghai, a new built supra-underground will take some of the pressure off the roads. Some people will use the subway rather than use cars. In addition we could improve public transport, make it more comfortable, safer, more regular so that people will use the public transport rather than the car. Next, we could also use clean


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