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The Pneumatic trnaginationArclutectural tdeas and Apipli~~ti~.~.~; ••• ••••••••.•••· ·••• ·• 17 IUH- IJOHf.TRIC -~. -LLEVATION Of A ItINIHUH DYMAXIlW HOill 2 1_Buckminster Fullers 1929 Dymaxion House proposal incorporated pneumatically stressed structural components. / 2_Plan, isometric and elevation / and, like paradise, de-lightful.The houses, which featured The dual significance of geodesics has been described in tensile structures and were made of new lightweight ma- the following terms, which allude to both payload and terials that were prefabricated, were to be transported to paradise: Astechnical artifacts, they aimed at maximum site by helicopter and conceptually moored like airships, efficiency in the relationships of volume to weight, use of touching the earth lightly. These evolved into the 1929 materials to useful surface, and assembly time to mobility. Dymaxion House - the name a fusion of the terms dynamic As sociocultural alternatives to typical rectangular archi- and maximum - a mass-produced single family dwelling tecture, the dome crystallized societys dreams of a life conceived as an analog of a natural system such as a tree liberated from constraints and tutelage.6 Pneumatics and or hum


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