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Overview of the French economyEconomic news? January 2016?France is the only major Western Europe economy in which?unemployment continues inexorably to rise - reaching 10.8% of the workforce at the end of 2015. President Hollande had made it an election pledge to start reducing unemployment by the start of 2014, but it keeps rising. In his New Year 2016 message, he pledged that 2016 will start to see a fall in unemployment... at last. ?Falling fuel prices and a small reduction in payroll taxes (les charges des entreprises) should generate new jobs; but volatility in world markets and fears of a continuing downturn in the Chinese economy could well counteract this.? February 2015 Parliament votes Loi MacronEconomics minister Emmanuel Macron - a Socialist but also a former Rotschilds?banker - ?has pushed through some new measures to help the French economy improve. But there is nothing game-changing in Macrons reforms. They will allow French shops to open up to 12 Sundays a year (instead of 5), and allow shops in key tourist locations, such as parts of Paris, to open 7/7 and up to midnight. They make a timid start at reforming some of Frances hidebound regulated professions, but powerful lobbies have already derailed reform of some of these.? In spite of its limited scope, the Macron Law caused massive controversy on the left of Franch politics, and had to be pushed through the French Parliament without a vote, using the very contested?Article 49-3?of the French Constitution.? The Macron Law follows other business-friendly measures adopted in 2014, including a cut in employers social insurance contributions?(down to zero for employees paid on minimum wage)? and a programmed fall in Frances high corporate tax rates (down to 28% by 2020). But while these measures will certainly reduce the cost of doing business in France, they are not the big bang that many in the business community are calling for.? December 2014New minister for the economy Emmanuel Macron announces th


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