15秋西南交大《大学英语Ⅰ》在线作业一 答案.doc

15秋西南交大《大学英语Ⅰ》在线作业一 答案.doc

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15秋西南交大《大学英语Ⅰ》在线作业一 答案

西南交《大学英语Ⅰ》在线作业一 一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. It’s __________ winy y. Let’s sty inoors. . suh . suh . so . so 正确答案: 2. Mike is ____________ Johnson. . s suessful mnger s . s suessful mnger . s mnger suessful s . s suessful mnger s 正确答案: 3. – Woul you like to go shopping with me? – _________________ . ll right. . Thts ll right. . No, I wont. . I’ like to. 正确答案: 4. ______ the pssge, wht oes the uthor relly wnt to inform us? . oring to . ue to . se to . In light of 正确答案: 5. The mjority of smokers sy tht they woul like to ____________ the hit. . sweep . fltter . quit . relese 正确答案: 6. ---Woul you like to go for pini with us tomorrow? --- Of ourse, I ____________. . woul . woul like . woul like to . wouln’t like 正确答案: 7. – Hven’t seen you for ges. How’s it going? –( ) . Hven’t seen you for ges. . Yes, long time no see. . How re you? . Everything is ll right. 正确答案: 8. Goo ommunitive skills re ______ importne to goo leer. . with . t . of . y 正确答案: 9. The polie insist tht Mihel i not follow the orret ______ in pplying for vis. . proess . progress . progrm . proeure 正确答案: 10. The numer of eths from hert isese will e reue gretly if people ____________ to et more fruit n vegetles. . persue . will persue . e persue . re persue 正确答案: 11. __________ Shngril Hotel is just __________ fifteen-minute wlk from __________ university mpus. . The, , . /, , / . /, , the . The, , the 正确答案: 12. – How o you think out the result? – _________________ . It’s hr to sy, tully. . No, I on’t know. . of ourse not. . I never think of it. 正确答案: 13. When we lern foreign lnguge, we shoul hol tht no ulture is inferior _____ the others. . for . to . s . uner 正确答案: 14. It took hours of stuy efore the solution finlly __________ him. . wne on . relie on . tken on . impresse on 正确答案: 15. ell never llowe himself to o nything tht went ______ his priniples. . ginst . for . with . long 正确答案: 16. – How is life? –( ) . Sme s ever. . Thnks. n you? . I hope ll goes well with you. . It is nie


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