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Animal Protection 小组成员:李梦雨 瞿小燕 张思思 刘曼薇 Uproar over IPO bid by bear bile company? Background information : Guizhentang Pharmaceutical (制药的;调药的) Co Ltd, a bear-bile products manufacturer, has provoked(激发;激怒) a new round of uproar (喧闹;骚嚷;骚动)on the Internet and incurred (惹起;招致)strong opposition from animal welfare activists after the company revealed its intention. It’s intention: The Fujian-based company, which uses extract(提炼;提取) from bears gall bladders to make medicine, has appeared on a list of companies seeking an IPO on the Growth Enterprise Market on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.?Guizhentang made its first attempt in early 2011, but the attempt was aborted (试验,任务等中止;流产;堕胎)after public and animal protection groups fiercely protested against the companys cruel business.? HUIAN, Fujian - Guizhentang Pharmaceutical, one of Chinas largest bear bile producers, opened the doors of its bear farm for the first time to journalists to quell (镇压;扑灭;制止)criticism over its practice of draining(排出) bile from hundreds of captive bears. The process of extracting bear bile now only takes about 10 seconds. During that short period, the black bear feels no pain or any strange sensations, and can play and eat as usual, he said.? The process of extraction: 1.The little bears are keeping in a zoolike outdoor park until they are 3 years old. 2.The farm has provided sufficient space for young bears to exercise and has facilities such as a rock garden, iron staircases and swings for the bears entertainment. 3. After 3 years old they will receive an operation, which the company said would put a natural tube(软管;管子) into their gall bladder(胆囊)and help drain bile(胆汁) from their bodies painlessly. 4.The bear first entered an iron cage - almost the same size as its body - to eat food that is served at one end. The worker quickly sterilized(消毒) a wound on the bears belly (腹部)with an alcohol-dipped cotton ball and inserted a slim 11-centimeter drainage (排泄)tube into it. I


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