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Chapter 5 Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes 5.1 Overview 1. Gene expression and regulation (1) Gene expression Chapter 6 Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes 6.1 Gene Structure and Multilevel Regulation Ultrabithorax Mutation Chapter 7 Diseases and Human Health (3) Types of genes which may mutate to cause cancer: Tumour suppressor genes P53 oncogenes DNA repair genes Telomerase gene gene (5) Proto-oncogene activation ?insertion of regulatory sequence ?gene deletion or mutation ?gene amplification ?chromosomal rearrangement ?gene cooperation ?gene suppression removal ? Functions ? It can activate DNA repair proteins when DNA has sustained damage. ? It can also arrest cell cycle at the G1/S regulation point on DNA damage recognition ? It can initiate apoptosis, the programmed cell death, if the DNA damage proves to be irreparable. e. Helix-loop-helix ? Transcription Activation Domains ?? a Acidic domains ?? b Glutamine-rich domains ?? c Proline-rich domains (4) Features of trans-acting factors 反式作用因子的作用特点 (5) Examples of trans-acting factors (6) Interaction between trans-acting factors and cis-acting elements ? Direct interaction DNA binding domain ? Indirect interaction transactivation domain 6.4 Post-Transcriptional Regulation 1. Gene Regulation of mRNA Processing exon shuffling alternative splicing 2. Gene Regulation of mRNA Editing 3. mRNA Longevity mRNA Transport Control RNA Interference (RNAi) ? miRNA ? siRNA 7.5 Translational and Post-translational Regulation 1. Translation Control Blocking mRNA attachment to ribosomes 2. Post-translational Regulation Protein modification (1) Amino acid residues phosphorylated ? Ser/Thr type ? Tyr type 3 Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation (2) Mechanism negative charge + negative charge


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