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某小区安防系统设计 摘 要 随着经济快速发展、生活水平日益提高、大规模住宅小区的大量兴建,人们对住宅功能的要求也越来越高,小区智能化带来的多元化信息和安全、舒适与便利的生活环境已成为现代家庭追求的理想目标。传统的保安值班和安全巡逻和其他安全管理手段已经不能适应新形势下住宅安全的需要。因此,为了满足住宅小区用户安全和科学系统化管理,以及正在发生的事情在任何时候进行全面、及时的了解和掌握,对意外可以迅速做出正确的判断,并正确、快速的指挥和处理,建立一个全面的小区安防系统,势在必行。 本文是对某商业小区进行的安防设计,该小区是一个集商业、办公与住宅一起的多元化小区,人员出入量大,车辆密集,因此建立一个全天候视频监控系统、防盗报警系统和可视对讲系统那是必不可少的。全天候视频监控系统可以实现对住宅小区主要出入口及周界等重要区域的实时监控,并且把实时信息传送给监控中心。防盗报警系统可以保护居民的财产安全,尤其对那些进屋偷盗和地下停车场内的偷盗行为具有制止作用。可视对讲系统让居民与访客更好的交流,而且有利于业主与物管的联系。这些系统不但让小区内居民的财产安全有了保障,而且为小区居民的生活提供了便利,对构建和谐、安全的小区生活具有重要意义。 关键词:智能化,住宅小区,安防系统,多元化,监控中心,财产安全 ABSTRACT Along with the rapid economic development and living standard is increasing day by day, large-scale residential area of a large number of construction, people become more and more high to the requirement of residential function, intelligent community of diverse information and safe, comfortable and convenient living environment has become the ideal goals of modern family. Traditional security guards on duty and security patrol and other security management means already can not adapt to the new situation the needs of the housing security. Therefore, in order to meet the residential user security and scientific and systematic management, as well as what is happening at any time to conduct a comprehensive, timely, understand and grasp the accident can quickly make the right judgment, and correct, quick command and processing, to establish a comprehensive community security system, is imperative. This article is to the security design of a business community, the community is a collection of the diversity of the commercial, office and residential village, access to large amount of vehicles, thus establishing a 24-hour video monitoring system, anti-theft alarm system and video intercom system that is necessary. Video monitoring system can realize the main entrances and exits in residential district area and perimeter of real-time monitoring, and the information transmitted


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