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Foreign company Business Communication Skills A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for University Study by XXX Supervisor: LI Man College of Textile and Garment Guangzhou University March 2015 Abstract Accelerate the process of global economic integration among countries that make business activities have become increasingly frequent, and therefore more and more foreign business communication plays a pivotal role. In order to communicate successfully, to avoid communication barriers, to master the correct communication skills is particularly important. This paper emphasizes the importance of foreign business in communication, followed by analysis of the communication barriers, and finally give some overall business communication skills. Keywords:foreign business communication; communication disorders; communication skills 摘? 要 国际经济全球化进程的加快使各国之间的商务活动日益频繁,因此涉外商务沟通越来越发挥着举足轻重的作用。因为这是维持商务往来的必要条件,是商务谈判得以成功的前提基础,是经济贸易发展的必经之路,为了更好的在商务谈判中取得优胜的地位,我们必须了解和抓住商务贸易沟通在商务谈判中的运用,因为一笔生意的达成,并不仅仅因为一方独天得厚的优势,沟通也占了很重要的一部分,很多的商务贸易失败的原因,都是因为没有很好的沟通造成的。为了使沟通顺利进行,避免沟通障碍,掌握正确的沟通技巧尤为重要。本文首先强调了涉外商务中沟通的重要性,其次分析了沟通中的障碍,最后总给出一些商务沟通技巧。? 关键词:涉外商务沟通;沟通障碍;沟通技巧 Contents Abstract I 摘? 要 II 1. Introduction 1 2.The importance of business communication 3 2.1The importance of business communication 3 2.2 Foreign business communication skills 4 3.Business Communication disorders occur 7 4.Foreign business communication skills 10 4.1 understand the communication object 10 4.1.1 Understand their sense of time. 10 4.1.2 Etiquette 10 4.1.3 Attitude 10 4.1.4 Is a matter of religious belief and taboos have to be considered 11 4.2 Instrument deportment 11 4.3 Manner of speaking 11 4.4 appropriate use of non-verbal 12 4.4.1 Aress 12 4.4.2 Facial expressions 13 4.4.3 Posture 13 4.4.4 Body distance 13 4.4.5 Gesture 13 4.4.6 Eye contact 13 4.5 Cause the other interest 14 4.6 Effective listening 14 4.7 Communication problems 15 5. Conclusion 16 Bibliography: 17 Acknowledgement 18 1. Introduct



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