茶艺师常用英语p 茶艺资料.doc

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茶艺师常用英语p 茶艺资料

茶艺师常用英语 Dialogue one 会话(一) 1.????? Good evening,sir. How many? 先生,晚上好!几位? 2.????? Two 两位。 3.????? Follow me,Please 请跟我来 4.????? Could I have a table next to window? 我要个靠窗的位子。 5.????? Yes,could you mind taking seat here? 请您这边坐好吗? 6.????? Very good,thank you. 很好,谢谢! 7.????? You’re welcome.不客气。 Dialogue one 会话(二) 1.????? Good afternoon,sir.May I help you? 先生,下午好!能为您效劳吗? 2.????? We need a room for four ,please. 我们要一个四人的包厢 3.????? Do you have a reservation,sir? 请问先生您有预定吗? 4.????? I’m afraid,we don’t. 没有。 5.????? Sorry sir,we don’t have vacant rooms at the moment. 很抱歉先生,现在没有空包厢了。 6.????? How about the seats here.by the window? 这个靠窗的座位这样? 7.????? Ok.Very well! 行! Dialogue one 会话(三) 1.????? How much? 多少钱? 2.????? The total is two hundred yuan. 一共200元。 3.????? Do you accept credit cards? 你们接受信用卡吗? 4.????? I’m sorry,we only accept cash. 对不起,我们只收现金。 5.????? Ok,here is the money 行,给您钱。 6.????? Thanks,there is your receipt. 谢谢!给您发票。 7.????? Thank you. 谢谢! 8.????? you’re welcome,please come again. 谢谢!欢迎您再次光临。 receipt .n.收到,收据 The classifications of tea茶叶分类 1.????? Usually China tea classified into six categories. 中国茶通常可分为六大类。 2.????? They are Green tea,Black tea,Oolong tea ,Yellow tea ,White tea and Dark black tea. 它们事绿茶,红茶,乌龙茶,黄茶,白茶和黑茶。 3.????? Green tea is the most abundant and most numerous in kinds of tea in china. 绿茶事中国茶类中产量最大,品种最多的茶类。 4.????? The main species of Black tea are Black gongfu,Black broken tea and Black tea xiaozhong. 红茶可分为功夫红茶,红碎茶和小种红茶。 5.????? The famous Oolong teas in china are Dahongpao, Tie-guanyin,Huangjinggui,Fenghuang_suixian,Dongdin-oolong,etc. 中国著名的乌龙茶有:大红袍,特观音,红金桂,凤凰水仙,冻顶乌龙等。 New Words生词 2. classify .vi.分类,归类 3. category .n.种类,范畴 Green tea绿茶 1.????? Green tea is non_fermented tea. 绿茶属不发酵茶。 2.????? Green ten can be classified as roasted green tea ,baked green tea,solar-dried green tea and steamed green tea. 绿茶课分为:炒青绿茶,烘青绿茶,晒青绿茶和蒸青绿茶。 3.????? Green tea is mainly produced in the lower reach of Yangtse River. 绿茶主要产在长江种下流域一带。 4.????? Z



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