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2013届 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 枣生堂公司红枣饮品市场营销策略分析 Red Dates Drinks Marketing Strategy Analysis of Zao Sheng Tang Co. 学 院: 商学院 专业班级: 工商管理0901班 姓 名: 白若楠 学 号: 090104190112 指导教师: 师晓莉讲师 完成时间: 2013年 6月1日 二〇一三年六月 论文题目:枣生堂公司红枣饮品市场营销策略分析 专 业:工商管理 学 生:白若楠 签 名: 指导教师:师晓莉 签 名: 摘要 中国的农业产业化正处于重要的历史机遇,开发创新型的时代农业企业是发展的必由之路。枣生堂公司是一家专门生产红枣以及红枣深加工产品的农业产业化企业。枣生堂公司红枣饮品作为营养型的果汁健康饮品,迅速打开市场的关键是制定相匹配的、有创意的营销策略。本文制定的策略包含以下内容:转变思维模式,创意的营销策略,渠道建设等,把产品的营养型功效和目标市场准确的对接,通过对产品的宣传,留住消费者。本文以上结果希望能给枣生堂公司提出针对性的建议,更为中国的饮品行业或者即将进入该行业的企业提供借鉴。 关键词:红枣;营销策略;目标消费群体;4P Title:Red Dates Drinks Marketing Strategy Analysis of Zao Sheng Tang Co. Major:Business Administration Name:Bai Ruonan Signature: Supervisor:Shi Xiaoli Signature: ABSTRACT Agricultural industrialization in China is meeting an important historical opportunity, The era of the development of innovative agricultural enterprises is the only way to develope. Zao Sheng Tang jujube drink is a company specializing in the production of jujube and crdeep processing of agricultural industrialization enterprises.As a nutritional healthy juice drink,the key of Zao Sheng Tang jujube drink to open the market quickly is to develop matching and creative marketing strategy.The strategy developed in this paper includes the following contents: changes in the mode of thinking, creative marketing strategy, channel construction, the nutritional efficacy of the product and target market accurately docking,Through publicity and maintaining consumers.These results in this article will make targeted recommendations to give the Zao Sheng Tang, it will provide references to more Chinese beverage industry or those which are about to enter the industry enterprises. Keywords:Red dates; Marketing strategy; Target consumer groups;4P 目录 前言 1 1 本文的研究背景及意义 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.1枣生堂公司简介 1 1.1.2本文研究


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