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摘要为了巩固我们所学的知识,并在各方面得到更进一步的提高,我们选择了苏州至无锡某新建一级公路工程设计作为毕业设计,这是在毕业之前对自身学习状况的最后一次检查。 我所选择的设计路段是从K0+000至K3+651.654段,全长3651.654米,设计车速80km/h,路基宽度为24.5m。此次毕业设计主要包括的内容如下:1、路线设计:在已知平面图的情况下,进行纵断面的设计,要求线路顺畅、填挖平衡、经济合理。路基设计:包括各个桩号的填挖计算、填挖较大地段的稳定分析、整个线路的土石调运借配等。路基、路面排水工程;高填挖地段的防护工程以及路基加固工程:这一部分相当重要,对于路基排水,采用了边沟、截水沟、急流槽等排水设施;对于路面排水,除了对路面进行了路拱设计;对于特殊路段的防护和加固主要采用了骨架内植草和挡土墙。路面设计:路基在不同干湿状态下,设计沥青路面要求经济合理,便于施工并满足各设计规范要求。关键词 路线;路基路面;综合设计AbstractIn order to consolidate our knowledge, and in all respects to be further improved, we chose LiaoNing province a new highway design as part of the graduation design, it is before graduation of their learning situation for a final check.In this design, our task is to design an secondary road. The road, which is 3651.654m from K0+000 to K3+651.654. The design speed is 80km/hand the wide of the subgrade is 24.5m.1、Route design : the known ichnography, longitudinal section design, request line smooth, cut and fill balance, economic and reasonable.2、The roadbed design: including various pile excavation calculation, cut and fill larger sections of the stability analysis, the whole line of earth-rock allocation by etc..The design of pavement, and this contents that the select of the construction about concrete and asphalt pavement in different case.3、Subgrade, pavement drainage engineering; high cut and fill area protection works and foundation reinforcement engineering: this part is very important, for the drainage of subgrade, the ditches, drainage ditches, chute, drainage facilities; to pavement drainage, in addition to the pavement of road design; in the special section of the reinforcement and protection by the framework of grass and earth retaining wall.4、avement design: Subgrade under different wet and dry conditions, design of asphalt pavement requirements reasonable economy, convenient construction and meet the design requirement..Keywords way roadbedroad surfacebridgeculvert不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印目录摘要IAbstractII1依据、设计规范12工程概况22.1工程简介22.1.1工程名称22.1.2设计


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