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摘要 半轴是变速箱减速器与驱动轮之间传递扭矩的轴 Axle is a axis for transmission torque between main retarder and driving wheel.it is the key components of automobile transmission torque. safe driving is closely related The strength of Axle fatigue .So axle road simulation test device for detecting vehicle axle means necessary,The aim of this project is to design a suitable axle road simulation apparatus. The project to design a machine capable of accurately simulate the actual conditions of the axle loads(torque and vibration)for axle durability test.To replace the traditional static axle torsion test bench. Premise to meet the test purposes, axle road simulation test device shall have the signal producing system, electric control system, servo control systems, mechanical execution system, power supply system. The main topic axle road simulation experimental device designed power supply system and the mechanical execution system. Through access to information, to understand current situation at home and abroad, compared to existing simulation test apparatus and the static axle torsion test bench, to determine design, through design sketches, determine the design process. The design includes: the design of non-standard parts, standard parts selection, three-dimensional model to establish the test device, draw two-dimensional general arrangement drawings and part drawings. Keywords: Road simulation Load Test Equipment Axle Durability. 目录 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 1绪论 1 1.1课题研究的目的及其意 1 1 1.2道路模拟试验简介 1 1.3汽车半轴道路试验模拟的国内外现状 3 1.4课题研究内容 4 2道路模拟试验装置 6 2.1 通用道路模拟试验台装置 6 2.2 半轴结构介绍 8 2.3 设计方案 9 3半轴道路模拟试验台的设计 11 3.1 设计流程 11 3.2 设计及其强度校检 11 3.3 标准部件的选取及其校核 19 3.4 三维模型的建立及其二维视图 23 4试验流程 26 5总结与展望 27 致谢 28 参考文献 29 1 绪 论 本章介绍了论文研究的背景和研究意义,主要叙述半轴道路模拟试验装置的研究目的和意义,汽车零部件道路模拟试验的试验方法流程及其国内外发展现状及存在的问题、研究意义。 1.1课题的研究目的及其意义   动态测试是在道路车辆开发过程中的一个重要组成部分。特别是道路情况的模拟,通过实验室试验台的应用载入车辆在真实行驶时的条件。   汽车是一种高速的交通工具,自身的零部件在各种工况下受到的载荷也不同,在长期的负荷下有的零部件会发生疲劳损伤,汽车的使用


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