景德镇英文导游词 Ancient Kilns.doc

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景德镇英文导游词 Ancient Kilns

景德镇英文导游词 (九江学院 涉外旅游 旅B0821班 ) A Tour-Guide’s speech for the “Ancient Kilns Factory”in Jingdezhen Ladies and Gentlemen,we use china,or porcelain,everyday,so I’m sure all of you are very familiar with it.But do you know how it is produced?Now we have a good chance to find out,because we are going to visit Jingdezhen,the porcelain capital of China.I will invite you to visit the “Ancient Kilns”china factory today .We’ll find out why the factory is so named. But now please allow me to introduce some information about porcelain to you on the way to the factory. Evrybody needs to eat, and you need containers to hold and serve your food, so china was invited early in human history. In prehistoric times, lightning started forest fires, which sometimes made the soil become hard. We think that this phenomenon probably inspired the invention of pottery. People smeared baskets with wet clay, then put them into a fire, to make pots which could hold water and store grain or food. This was a great advance for civilization, and the Chinese invented earthenware about five or six thousand years ago. Earthenware gradually evolved into chinaware. But they are different, Chinaware is finer, smoother and harder than earthware. Chinaware is made from china ore, but earthenware is made of pottery clay. The firing temperature of chinaware is about 1300°C, but earthenware is fired at 1000°C at most. Chinaware is one of the greatest inventions of Chinese people. During the Shang dynasty in the 16th century B.C, the Chinese people improved the material and manufacture of pottery .While they were making white pottery and pottery with patterns on it,they started to raise the firing temperature and were able to create primitive chinaware.It is said that when chinaware was first delivered to Europe,the ancient Europeans were astonished by these wonderful hard bowls.They didn’t know what the material was,and they didn’t even have a word to describ it ,they only knew it came from China


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