焊缝目视检查程序Weld Seam Visual Inspection Procedure,中英对照.doc

焊缝目视检查程序Weld Seam Visual Inspection Procedure,中英对照.doc

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焊缝目视检查程序Weld Seam Visual Inspection Procedure,中英对照

焊缝目视检查程序 Weld Seam Visual Inspection Procedure 目录 1、 目的 Purpose 2 2、 适用范围:Scope 2 3、 职责:Responsibility 2 4、 程序Procedure 2 目的 Purpose 通过目视检查对产品焊接前、焊接中及焊接后缺陷及时发现及早清除,保证最终产品的质量。 Through visual inspection, find defects of products and correct them as soon as possible before, during and after welding and ensure the products quality. 适用范围:Scope 本程序适用于XX项目中承包商焊工现场测试、点焊固定及焊接在产品上的永久焊缝。 This procedure covers jobsite test, spot welding and permanent welding line on products of contractor in XXl Project. 职责:Responsibility 焊接工程师负责制定目视检查程序。 Welding engineer is responsible for constituting visual inspection procedure. 现场QC/QA负责按标准,规范的要求对焊接的过程进行监控。 Site QC/QA is responsible for monitoring the welding process according to standards and regulations. 程序Procedure 现场QC应使用以下工具进行目视检查。 Site QC shall use following tools for visual inspection. 采用目视或5倍放大镜。Use visual or 5X magnifying glass 焊缝检验尺。Welding line inspection ruler 测温计 Thermodetector 咬边深度计 Undercut depth gauge 直尺 Ruler 检验时机 Inspection 目视检查分三个阶段 There are three main stages of visual Inspection namely: 焊接前检查 Inspection before welding 焊接所适用的WPS是否经过批准。 If WPS applied in welding has bee approved. 现场考试合格焊工在焊接前,发放指导适合焊工焊接项目的WPS。 Prior to the start work of test qualified welder, proper WPS which is fit to the welder’s qualification shall be delivered. 组对坡口的尺寸应符合批准的WPS要求。 The dimension of team and opposite bevel shall accord with approved WPS requirements. 坡口及周围的油、锈等杂质清理干净。 Impurity, such as oil stain and rust etc., on and around bevel shall be cleared. 焊工的证号及合格项目应与所焊接的位置相符。 The welder’s certificate number and eligible item shall be agree with welding points. 焊前预热温度(如果有需要)应符合WPS的要求。 Warm-up temperature(if necessary) before welding shall accord with WPS requirements. 焊接中检查 Inspection during welding 适用正确的清理工具清除每层焊缝的焊渣 Use correct clearance tools to clear welding spatter of each layer. 焊缝层间温度应与批准的WPS相符 Temperature between layers of welding lines shall accord with approved WPS 检查每层焊缝表面是否有表面缺陷如气孔、夹渣、裂方等。 Check to see if there are any surfa


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