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城市轨道交通运营风险辨识方法与应用 袁春强 张炳森 张宁 栾文波 徐文 南京地铁运营有限责任公司 东南大学智能运输系统研究中心轨道交通研究所 北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 风险辨识是风险评价和风险管控的基础, 为更加科学准确地做好轨道交通运营风险辨识, 结合南京地铁风险辨识过程、全体员工参与辨识的现状, 综合国内外辨识方法, 整理出3种易于理解和操作的方法:事故倒推法、事件树分析法、工作流程分析法。详细介绍各方法原理和操作步骤, 并用层次分析法对辨识方法进行选择, 然后各职能部门按照选择的最优辨识方法进行风险辨识。最后以站务为例, 分析得出事故倒推法具有最大的权重, 运用该方法进行风险辨识取得了较满意的结果。 关键词: 城市轨道交通; 风险辨识; 层次分析法; 事故倒退法; 作者简介:袁春强, 男, 本科, 安全副总监, 政工师, 从事城市轨道交通安全管理, njycq@126.com 收稿日期:2017-03-10 基金:交通运输部建设科技项目 (2015318J33080) Risk Identification Method and Its Application to Urban Rail Transit Operation YUAN Chunqiang ZHANG Bingsen ZHANG Ning LUAN Wenbo XU Wen Nanjing Metro Operation Co., Ltd.; ITS Rail Transit Research Institute of Southeast University; Beijing Urban Construction Design Development Group Co., Ltd.; Abstract: Risk identification is the basis of risk assessment and risk control. In order to make the risk identification of the rail transit more scientific and accurate, w e put forw ard three methods w hich are easier to be understood and operated based on the process of risk identification, and the present situation of all the staff involved in the identification of Nanjing Subw ay, and summarizing the identification methods at home and abroad. We also introduced the principles and operation steps in details, and used the AHP method to select the appropriate risk identification method. Then the departments carried out the risk identification w ith the optimal method they selected. Finally, the station center is cited as an example to conclude that the accident backw ard method has the greatest w eight, w hich can achieve a satisfactory risk identification result. Keyword: urban rail transit; risk identification; analytic hierarchy process (AHP) ; accident backw ard method; Received: 2017-03-10 截至2015年末, 中国内地共26座城市开通运营轨道交通, 共116条线路, 运营线路总长度达3 618 km, 20座城市拥有两条以上线路, 逐步形成网络化运营格局[1]。尽管轨道交通给居民带来了便利, 但由于地铁具有地下空间封闭、容纳空间狭长、设施种类多、系统结构复杂、各种风险因素并存等特点


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