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19 4 V ol. 19, No. 4 1999 7 A CT A SCIENT IA E CIRCU M ST A NT IAE July, 1999 况 昶 程声通 谢 卫 苏保林 ( , 100084) 高诚铁 郑兴毅 ( , 36 1004) 7 , . , , . , , . ; ; . Resarch on development of full process management system for the envi ronmental monitoring station K UAN G Chang, CHE NG Shengtong, XIE We , SU Baol n ( Dept. of Env ron. Eng . , T s ngh ua Un v . , Be j ng, 100084) GAO Chengt e, ZHENG X ngy ( X amen Env ornmental Mon t or ng Stat on, X amen, 361004) Abstract The full process of management n the Env ronmental M on tor ng Stat on ( EM S) w as nvest gat ed, rout ne t aske of EM S w ere d v ded nto seven steps and the data flow t hroughout t he full process w as analyzed. On t he bas s of t he analys s, the technolog cal scheme s put forw ard, and the resolut on to cr t cal ssues nvolved n the mplement at on of Full Process M IS s recommended. Full Process M IS for X amen Env ronmental M on tor ng Stat on s present ed as an example. Current ly the syst em has been put to a good use for produc ng reports requ red by Env ronmental Qual ty Report , manag ng pollut on sources nformat on, and form ng geograph cal maps. Keywords env ronment al mon tor ng, management nformat on syst em, full process management. , , . 1 : . 1. 2 , . . , , , . !. : ; ; ; . . 428 19 , , , .


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