2013年九年级英语课件 Halloween (万圣节).ppt

2013年九年级英语课件 Halloween (万圣节).ppt

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2013年九年级英语课件 Halloween (万圣节)

Shiqi Middle School Li Guojun Halloween Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October the thirty-first every year. 万圣节前夕 All Saints’ Day It is a big festival in western countries. It falls on November the first every year. 万圣节 Symbols of Halloween Modern day Halloween celebrations use many symbols(象征/标志)to help make the holiday more festive. Because bats only fly at night and live in tombs, caves, and abandoned churches and buildings, they are believed to be omens of evil. They are commonly associated with witches and vampires. 因为蝙蝠只在夜间飞行,它们住在坟墓,洞穴和废弃的教堂或建筑物中。蝙蝠常令人联想到女巫或吸血鬼。 Witches and broomsticks go hand in hand. They have been associated for centuries. Often, witches are depicted riding them across the night sky with a black cat on one end. It is believed that because Halloween occurred during the rainy season, women used their broomsticks to vault over large puddles and to sweep water out of their paths while walking. Thus, the two became associated. 女巫和掃把形影不離已有幾世紀之久,通常女巫會騎著掃把在夜晚飛行,而她們的同伴黑貓會坐在掃把的另一端陪著她們飛行.會什麼女巫會和掃把形影不離呢?因為在萬聖節那天,通常會下著雨,而女巫們需要用掃把掃掉地上的大水坑,或地上的積水以便行走。 Superstitions suggest that owls ate the souls of the dying by swooping to Earth. Owls screeches and their glassy stare are an omen of death and disaster. The owl is rarely seen during the day and is associated with night behaviors. 傳說中,貓頭鷹會從天空俯衝下來吃掉人的靈魂。貓頭鷹的叫聲和眼神讓人聯想到死亡和災難。再者,貓頭鷹很少在白天出現,也都讓人不得不認為他們是屬於黑暗和恐怖。 Cats, for centuries, have been considered to be spiritual animals that have the ability to sense good and bad spirits. Western superstitions detail that black cats are able to represent spirits or incarnated humans, thereby linking them to witchcraft. Black is also the color most commonly associated with evil. 從幾世紀前,人們就認為貓是一種有靈性的動物,它們能感應到好或壞的靈魂。西方的傳說裡,有一種說法,黑貓是靈魂的化身。此外,黑色也是邪惡象徵。 Ghosts are universal symbols for the departed. Skeletons and bones are symbols of death and shortness of life. Since Halloween’s origins lie as the festival of


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