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交通指示信号灯系统设计 学校:抚顺职业技术学院 系部:机械与电子工程专业 专业:机电一体化 姓名:施宇 学号:0901010110 指导老师:郑红 目录 1引言 1 2交通指示灯控制系统硬件设计 2 2.1十字路口交通指示灯亮灭警示分析 2 2.2方案论证 3 2.3交通指示灯控制系统框图 3 2.4交通指示灯控制系统各部分电路设计 4 2.4.1控制电路设计 4 2.4.2开关电路设计 8 2.4.3状态显示电路设计 9 2.4.4状态设置电路设计 11 2.4.5控制系统电源电路设计 12 2.5交通指示灯控制系统原理图 13 3交通指示灯控制系统软件设计 14 3.1程序流程框图 14 3.1.1总程序流程图 14 3.1.2主程序流程图 14 3.2状态开关控制字及内存RAM分配 15 3.2.1状态开关控制字 15 3.2.2内存RAM分配 16 3.3源程序清单 17 4系统调试及性能分析 18 4.1系统调试 18 4.2系统性能分析 18 5结束语 19 参考文献 20 附录2 PCB板图 23 附录3 元件清单 25 摘 要 交通指示灯控制系统包括:控制电路、开关电路、状态显示电路、状态设置电路及控制系统的电源电路。选用AT89C51单片机作主控制器,编程写入单片机,实现对交通指示灯亮灭、相应状态指示灯亮灭及时间显示的控制。系统交通指示灯供电采用220V交流电源,控制系统供电采用220V交流整流稳压电源,能源获取很方便;电子开关采用光电隔离器MOC3041,安全性能好;控制台采用发光二极管指示相应被控交通指示灯,采用LED数码管静态显示通行时间,非常直观。系统实用性强、操作简便、扩展性强 。 关键词:交通指示灯 单片机 控制 Abstract Traffic guiding lights control system includes: the controlling circuit, switch circuit, state demonstrate circuit, state sets up circuit and the controlling system’s power circuit. The system use Microcontroller Unit AT89C51 as the main controller. When the programming write-in it, it can control the traffic guiding lights?bright and go out, the corresponding state guiding lights?bright and go out and the time display. The traffic guiding lights system adopt two hundred twenty Volt alternating current power sources , the controlling system also adopt two hundred twenty Volt alternating current, commutation and stable voltage power source, so gain the sources of energy is very convenient. I choose the electronic switch MOC3041 that is a light-electricity isolator to make the safe function well. The control station adopt a light-emitting diode to instruct corresponding controlled traffic guiding lights, adopt demonstrate the time going through , extraordinary perception of LED numerical code static state. The system pragmatism is broad, operation is simple and convenient, extended is strong. Key words: traffic guiding lights; Microcon


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