7 下1-12单元短语句型.doc

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7 下1-12单元短语句型

1 1. 你的笔友?your pen pal = your pen friend 2.??这些国家 these countries 3. 美国??the United stated ;the USA;the US;America 4.英国??the United kingdom 5.?在图中??in the picture 6.?看着这些东西??look at the things 7.?来自???come from = be from 8.?这些城市??these cities 9.乔恩的笔友 John’s pen pal 10.?在巴黎??in paris 11.?在悉尼??in Sydney 12. 这些国家的名字the names of the countries 13.?在方格中???in the box 14.?我的新笔友??my new pen pal 15.?什么语言??what language 16. 在美国??in the USA= in the US??= in the United States=in America 17. 在澳大利亚 in Australia 18.?她最喜欢的科目?his favorite subject 19. 说英语??speak English 20.?这些问题的简略答案????short answers to the questions 21. 居住在加拿大的多伦多???live in Toronto, Canda 22.??在中国??in China 23.??一个非常有趣的国家??an interesting country 24.??14岁??fourteen years old 25.??在十一月 in November 26.??一点法语 a little French 27.??在英国和澳大利亚??in the United Kingdom and Australia 28. 我喜欢和我的朋友们去看电影和做运动。I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 29.??在学校我最喜欢的科目??my favorite subject in school 30.??太难??too difficult = too dear 31.??你能尽快给我写信吗???Can you write to me soon? 32.??在学校??at school = in school 33.??一部功夫片??an action movie 34.??请写信告诉我你的情况。?Please write and tell me about yourself. 1.??邮局??post office 2.??投币式公用电话??pay phone 3.??在这附近near here = in the neighborhood 4.??在中心街 on Center Street 5.??在银行对面 across from the bank 6.?在图书馆旁边??next to the library 7.?在饭馆和超市之间 ????between?the restaurant and the supermarket 8.??在图书馆后面??behind the library 9.?在邮局前面?in front of the post office 10. 在第五林荫道 on Fifth Avenue 11. 直走 go straight 12. 沿着这条街直走。Go straight along this street.= Walk straight along this street. 13.??向左转 turn left 14.??它在沿着桥街的右边.??It’s down Bridge Street on the right. 15.??非常感谢。Thank you very much.= Thank you a lot.= Thanks very much.=Thanks a lot. 16.不用谢。You’re welcome.=?That’s OK.=That’s all right.=?It’s a pleasure.= Not at all. 17.??一个干净的公园??a clean park 18.??一家旧旅馆 an old hotel 19.??一条繁忙的街道 a busy street 20.??欢迎到花园小区来??Welcome to the Garden District. 21.??欢迎到……??Welcome to …. 22.??在第一林荫道向左转。Turn left on F


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