ten steps food safety 餐饮管理,食品安全知识培训。中英文版本.ppt

ten steps food safety 餐饮管理,食品安全知识培训。中英文版本.ppt

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ten steps food safety 餐饮管理,食品安全知识培训。中英文版本

previous next * * previous next Step One Keep your refrigerator at 5 °C or less.冰箱温度保持5℃或低于5℃ A temperature of 5°C or less is important because it slows the growth of most bacteria. The fewer bacteria there are, the less likely you are to get sick from them.保持5℃或低于5℃的温度是很重要的,这样可抑制细菌的滋长。细菌越少,你得病的几率就越小。 2 hours Step Two Refrigerate cooked, perishable food as soon as possible within two hours after cooking.烹饪后的易腐烂的熟食应尽快在两小时内放入冰箱冷藏。 Date left over foods so they can be used within two to three days. 注明剩余食物的日期,以便在接下来的两三天内使用 If in doubt, throw it out! 如有怀疑,就扔掉这些食物 Step Three Sanitize your kitchen dishcloths and sponges regularly.定期清洗厨房抹布等清洁用品 Wash with a solution of one teaspoon chlorine bleach to one Litre water, or use a commercial sanitizing agent, following product directions.用一勺氯粉兑一升水进行漂白清洗或根据产品说明使用洗洁精清洗。 Step Four Wash your cutting board with soap and hot water after each use.每次用完切菜板后,用肥皂和热水清洁。 Never allow raw meat, poultry, and fish to come in contact with other foods. Washing with only a damp cloth will not remove bacteria. 不要把生肉,家禽产品,鱼等与其他食物混放。只用湿布清洗并不能减少细菌。 Periodically washing in a bleach solution is the best way to prevent bacteria from remaining on your cutting board.定期使用漂白液清洗是防止切菜板上细菌寄生的最好方法。 2hours Step Five Cook ground beef, red meats and poultry products until they are no longer red in the middle. Make sure the juices run clear.烹饪碎牛肉,红肉和家禽产品时直到其内部不再是红色为止。确保果汁澄清,无浑浊物。 Cooking food, including ground meat patties, to an internal temperature of at least 72° C usually protects against food borne illness. Well-done meats reach that temperature.烹饪食物时,包括碎肉饼,最低内部温度应为72℃,通常可抑制食物病变。烹饪良好的食物应达到此温度。 The USDA advises consumers to use a meat thermometer when cooking hamburger.This change resulted from research that indicates some ground meat may turn prematurely brown before a safe internal temperature of 72°C is reached.美国农业部建议消费者作汉堡包时使用肉类计温计。研究结果表明,在达到72℃的安全温度前,碎肉会过早变成褐色的。 2hours Step Six Don‘t eat raw or lightly cooked eggs.不要吃生鸡蛋或炒的太嫩的鸡蛋。 Many older cookbooks have


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