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北京理工大学继续教育暨现代远程教育学院 毕业设计(论文) 类 别:远程-专升本 专 业:工商管理 班 级:山西教学站 (教学站) 姓 名:杨晓勇 毕业设计题目:中小企业文化建设研究 指导教师姓名:王晓亮 摘 要 人我国中小企业处在创始和发展阶段,企业管理能力有限,在他们的眼里,获取利润和效益才是最重要的,企业文化建设往往被遗忘和放弃。因此,加强中小企业文化建设意义重大,刻不容缓在激烈的市场中小企业的生存和发展受到严峻文章正是在这种社会背景下,以中小企业为出发点,从企业文化建设这个突破口入手,分析了我国中小企业文化建设的现状以及存在的问题及成因,并阐述了中小企业建设企业文化的对策措施中小企业? 文化建设?ABSTRACT Enterprise culture is a business or an organization formed during the development of the value is the core of the unique culture management mode. Its content includes corporate members to follow the common values, occupation morality, behavior standard and criterion of the sum of. The building of enterprise culture has become the enterprise development is an important target. Through the establishment of characteristic enterprise culture, improve staff quality, and establish a good corporate image, promote enterprise development better. Our country small and medium-sized enterprise was founded not long, in the initial stage of development, enterprise management limited capacity, business leaders on the role of enterprise culture understanding insufficiency, establish enterprise culture becomes a mere formality, no feature. There are also some small and medium business leaders believe that the corporate culture not essential, in their eyes, get profit and benefit is the most important, the enterprise culture construction is often forgotten and abandoned. Therefore, to strengthen the cultural construction of small and medium enterprises of great significance, brook no delay. Along with our country opening to the outside world is increased further, in the fierce international and domestic market condition, the small and medium-sized enterprise survival and the development of severe challenges, small and medium-sized enterprise plight of a very important way for the construction of enterprise culture. The article is in this social background, the small and medium-sized enterprises as a starting point, from the enterprise culture construction the breakth


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