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5、勇敢的鼓励客户购买 观察成交信号 推动成交的技巧 1. 勇敢、热情和积极可以帮助您增加客户的购买信心 2. 让客户触摸,增加拥有感 3. 怎么样,用一瓶试试? 4. 鼓励客户作出明智决定 5. 让客户自己做出选择 6. 给客户一个良好的建议 7. 如果客户坚持不买,不要勉强客户 6、让客户满意 再次简述产品的优良性能 赞美客户作出的明智决定,让客户放心 温馨的提醒和关怀 下次换油的里程和时间 祝福客户 用脑做销售! 用心做销售! 介绍:汽车发动机的 4冲程具体过程是: 1.进气冲程:活塞在顶部开始,进气阀打开,活塞往下运动,吸入油气混合气;由于活塞环与汽缸壁、凸轮轴和气门机构、曲轴和连杆、活塞-气缸壁的摩擦, 需要机油润滑; 2.压缩冲程:活塞向顶部运动来压缩油气混合气,使得爆炸更有威力; 3.作功冲程:当活塞到达顶部时,火花塞放出火花来点燃油气混合气,爆炸使得活塞再次向下运动;压缩和作功过程中产生高温,因此要求机油有散热和冷却功能,运动中产生油泥、碎屑和积炭,若不清洁,会阻油管,而导致部份运动部件缺油,故机油要有较好的清洁作用 4.排气冲程:活塞到达底部,排气阀打开,活塞往上运动,尾气从汽缸由排气管排出。 活塞运动中,为避免汽油流入底部,造成浪费和并稀释机油,要求机油有较好的密封作用。为了防止发动机金属部件在空气中氧化,需要机油有较好的防锈作用。 Lube Oil = Base oil + Additives A complete lubricant is a mixture of base oils (possibly more than one) and a selected 損ackage?of chemical additives which may enhance the performance of the oil or protect either the oil or the machinery. The ratio of additive to base oil may vary from 0% to 25% (or more) depending on the use for the product. These are not 損roprietary additives?of which there are many on the market. (Wynns, Slick 50, Fortron etc) BP does not approve of the use of these products and in some cases they can void the warrantee of the vehicle/machine. In most cases proprietary additives are simply an extra dose of what is already in the oil. So called Oil leak stoppers are usually a dose of Viscosity Improver which simply makes the oil thicker. Over dosing, or continual dosing of this product can result in the oil becoming too thick to pump around the engine and failure will result. Chemists spend many years and millions of dollars getting the additive/base oil balance just right. It is not feasible to accept that a person, or company, can then come along and say 揳dd this and it will improve the performance of your oil? The balance between additives in high quality lubricants is very precise and any change to that balance can have a completely opposite effect to that hoped for. 在润滑油添加剂的组成中,约一半成分是清净分散剂。它能把机械部位上的抑制积碳、油泥的能力取决于机油中清净分散剂的质量和配比量


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