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4 Vo l. 34 N o. 4 2006 4 ACTA ELECTRON ICA SIN ICA A pr. 2006 EHNHPTCP 1 1 1 2 孙向辉 , 唐 鼎, 潘春建 , 李颖华 ( 1. , 100080; 2. , 100080) : . TCP , TCP, TCP TCP. TCP, , TCP EHNHP. EHNHP TCP, (Ha doff Process), , EHNHPTCP . : ; ; TCP : TP393 : A : ( 2006) U sing EHNHPM echanism to Im prove TCP Performance inM obile Network 1 1 1 2 SUN X ia ghui, TANG D i g , PAN Chu jia , LIY i ghua ( 1.H igh P erform a ce Newt o rk Labo ra tory, I stitute o fAcou stics, CAS, Beiji g 100080, Chi a; 2. E g i eer i g Research Ce ter ofN ew M edia Tech o logy, CAS, Beiji g 100080, Chi a ) Abstract: W ireless a d mobile etw ork is becom i g m ore a dm ore popular i these years. I ter et is exte di g from w ireli e etwork to mobile etwork. TCP protoco l is them ostw idely tra spo rtprotocol used i I ter et. TCP w as desig ed o the basis ofw ireli e ewt ork a dw ork w ello it. But the features of m obile ewt ork degrade the perform a ce of origi alTCP pro toco.l The reaso is a alyzed i detail i thispaper. A ccordi g to these reaso s, a ew scheme, EHNHP isproposed. EHNHP modif iesTCP protoco la d takes a ew phase, Ha doff Process, which is used to process the eve ts i the mobile ha do ff specially. The smi ulatio result i dicates that EHNHP m echa ism ca mi prove the TCP perform a ce duri g the mobile ha doff. K e words: mobile etw ork; m obile ha dover; tra spo rt co trol pro toco l (TCP) [ 1] . , 1


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