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考研英语作文2000——2012  Directions:   A. Study the following two pictures carefully and write and essay of at least 150 words.   B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.   C. Your essay should meet the requirements below:   1. Describe the pictures.   2. Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the pictures.   3. Suggest countermeasures.   A brief History of World Commercial Fishing   2000年考研作文是真正意义上的图画作文考查的开始,这是继1998年之后第二次出现图画作文,也是之后连续考查图画作文的开始。这道题目中所给出的两张图片,形成了鲜明的对比:1900年浩瀚的海洋上只有一艘捕鱼的船只,鱼儿却很多;到了1995年情况正好相反,船只成群,而鱼儿却只剩一条了。这样的差别给人的震撼力是巨大的,显然在多年的商业捕鱼之后,渔业资源遭受到了巨大的破坏。题目中给出的提纲共有三点:第一点是描述图画,第二点是推断绘画者的意图,第三点给出对策,即解决问题的办法。考生应该根据提纲来构建文章的三个段落。   经典范文赏析   A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing   This picture shows a drastic change in the worlds commercial fishing. The two parts display totally different scenes in 1900 and 1995. In 1900, there were a large number of fish while only one boat was fishing on the ocean. But in 1995 fishing boats increased sharply while only one fish was left. The fish supplies have almost been exhausted by overfishing.   Judging from the picture, we can see that within about 100 years, humans have stripped the sea of her generous offerings. If we dont put an end to the trend, then the fish in the ocean could become extinct species in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is high time we took effective measures to solve this problem. First, we must bring world population under a reasonable control, as overfishing is largely due to the need to fill the additional mouths. Second, every year in the fishs mating season, a grace period should be enforced during which the fish are allowed to reproduce themselves. Third, strict laws should be implemented. Last but not least, we should enhance the awareness of the public that the ocean resources are very vital to us. Only when these above mentioned measures are put into practice can we save the fish from disappearing completely. 世界商业捕鱼简史   这幅图显示了世界商业捕鱼的一个显著变化。图片两部分显示了1900和1995两种不同的情况。1900年海里鱼


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