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专业英语-课本中译英 参考答案 (蓝色为课堂练习已做的部分) 中译英 P5 化学方程式有两种:离子方程式和完整的方程式,式中物质分别以离子和分子的形式表示。 There are two kinds of chemical equations, ionic equations and full equations, in which the substances are represented by ions and molecules, respectively. P6 通过方程式,我们可以由反应物的浓度算出产物的浓度。 Through equations, we can calculate the concentrations of products from the concentrations of reactants. P7 紫外光谱可以检测到某些特定有机物的浓度。 UV spectroscopy can detect the concentrations of some particular organic compounds. P8 在二氧化碳的质谱图上可以看到4个峰。 Four peaks can be observed in the mass spectrum of carbon dioxide. P9 当样品被激化,电子移到一个更高的能级。 When a sample is excited, the electrons move to a higher energy level. P10 红外光谱和核磁共振波谱常用于表征物质的化学结构。红外光谱可以检测分子中的功能基团,而氢核磁共振波谱可以测定分子中的处于不同化学环境的氢原子。 IR and NMR are commonly used to characterize the chemical structure of substances. IR can detect the functional groups in molecules, and 1H NMR can identify the H atoms in different chemical environments. P11 原子由原子核和电子构成,而原子核又由质子和中子组成。每个质子带一个正电,每个电子带一个负电,而中子呈电中型。 An atom is composed of a nucleus and electrons. And the nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Each proton brings a positive charge and each electron brings a negative charge, while neutrons are electrically neutral. P12 由原子中电子所在的层、亚层、轨道,我们可以比较该原子中不同电子的能量。 We can compare the energies of different electrons in an atom by their shells, sub-shells and orbitals. P13 在确定原子的电子构型时,我们应从最低能级的轨道开始填充电子,并遵循泡利定律和洪特规则。 To determine the electronic configuration of an atom, we need to fill the electrons starting from the lowest energy level and obey Pauli principle and Hund principle. P14 在一个周期内,通常第一电离能随原子量的增加而增加,而电子亲和能的变化却没有明显的规律。 In a period, most commonly the first ionization energy increases with increasing atomic mass, while the change in electron affinity does not show a clear trend. P15 金属材料中,三维有序紧密堆积的金属离子被离域的电子所包围。 In a metallic material, the three dimensional ordered close packed metal ions are surrounded by delocalized electrons. P16 离子晶格能由离子尺寸、离子电荷和离子类型决定。 The ionic lattice energy depend


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