导游英语教程unit 5 Meizhou.ppt

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Lead in :General introduction II. Clear the way :Language points border (on) v. --- come near or verge on e.g. China borders on Korea in the east. name sb. after --- give someone the same name as … e.g. Bill is named after his father. 3. migratory a. --- habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work e.g. Migratory worker shortage has become a problem in the Pearl River Delta. 4. proletarian a. --- belonging to or characteristic of the proletariat e.g. Proletarian revolutionaries always cleave to Marxist-Leninist principles. 5. revolutionist n. --- a radical supporter of political or social revolution e.g. The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime. 6. patriotic a. --- having or expressing a great love of your country e.g. His patriotic action raised our admiration. 7. tranquil a. --- pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful e.g. Both my husband and I love the tranquil life in the country. 8. serene a. --- completely clear and fine e.g. It was a beautiful morning, calm and serene. 9. adorn v. --- make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. ; decorate e.g. The building is tastefully adorned . 10. prosper v. --- grow and develop in a healthy way; be successful and become rich e.g. His farm prospered through good management. 11. wither v. --- lose freshness, vigor, or vitality e.g. The grapes withered on the vine. III. Discussion How did Meizhou get its name? What are the two impressive things about Lingguang temple? 3. What are the main tourist attractions of Meizhou? IV. Tourist Attractions of Meizhou 3. Renjinglu 4. The Marshal Ye Jianying Former Residence 8.Hakka villages VII . In- class acvitity: Translation 梅州是广东、福建和江西三省的交通枢纽。它是连接沿海地区和内地的桥梁。205和206贯穿全市。广梅汕铁路和梅坎铁路也贯穿其中。高速公路、国道、省道、县级和乡村公路四通八达。在空运方面,开通了到广州和香港的航班。水路亦可沿梅江及韩江通达潮州和汕头。 2. 地处山区的梅州拥有众多的美丽自然风光和良好的空气质量。许多游客慕名到雁南飞茶园登山,饱览山的翠绿,感受“云中漫步”的惬意。在这里,可不能错过品茶的机会。 Key for reference: Meizhou is a vital commun


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