导游英语教程unit 6 Foshan.ppt

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II. Clear the way :Language Points 1. adjoin v. --lie adjacent to another or share a boundary e.g. His house adjoins the lake. 2. jurisdiction n. --the territory within which power can be exercised e.g. The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country. 3. evolve v.--undergo development or evolution e.g. He has evolved a new theory after many years of research. 4. ancestral a.--of or belonging to or inherited from an ancestor e.g. We should study our ancestral achievements. 5. worship v. --love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol ; attend religious services e.g. The boy worshipped his father. 6. compactly adv.--taking up no more space than necessary e.g. The children were packed compactly into the car.? 7. incline v. --have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined e.g. Im inclined to believe him innocent. 8. insert v. --put or introduce into something e.g. She inserted the key into the lock. 9. depiction n. --a graphic or vivid verbal description e.g. These paintings are colorful depictions of the local customs. 10. pilgrim n.--someone who journeys to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion e.g. We met many pilgrims on their way to Mecca. 11. pious a. --having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity, devoutly religious e.g. He is a pious Christian. 12. nourish v. --provide with nourishment e.g. Milk is all we need to nourish a small baby. 13. tame v.--make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans e.g. Many kinds of squirrels are easy to tame. 14. embroider v. --decorate with needlework e.g. She embroidered the cushion with flowers. 15. intact --not impaired or diminished in any way e.g. Despite his misfortunes, his faith and optimism remained intact. 16. dispel v.-- force to go away e.g. Ho


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