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摘 要 数字调制技术是移动通信中实现高速、高效通信的重要保证。随着软件无线电技术的发展,人们可以通过在通用的通信硬件平台上加载不同的通信软件,来实现不同的通信方式间的转换.而数字调制作为软件无线电的主要环节,其重要性不言而喻。本文通过对2ASK、MQAM、QPSK、OFDM等数字调制方法的基本原理进行学习和研究,并利用MATLAB和FPGA,用Verilog HDL语言和Quartus软件开发平台对它们进行仿真,得到其仿真图,认真比较调制前和解调后的波形的差别情况,并对其差别进行深入的分析。最后我会努力找出出现这些结果的真正原因,并想出合理方法来避免和解决其中不利于无线通信的情况,从而加深对低中频数字调制方法的认识,为自己今后从事无线通信系统的开发奠定重要的基础。并通过对各种数字调制方法的比较得出:在进行数字调制系统设计时,必须综合考虑若干因素,如误码率,传输带宽,频带利用率,信噪比,频谱溢出等,才能设计出一个合理的数字调制系统。 关键词:数字调制;软件无线电;FPGA;OFDM ABSTRACT Digital modulation technology is an important guarantee for effective and high-speed mobile communication. With the development of the software radio technology, people can realize the conversion between different means of communication through loadIing different software on common communication hardware platforms. As the main part of software radio, digital modulation is of great importance . In this paper, I learn and reserch the basic principle of digital modulation methods , such as 2ASK, MQAM, QPSK and OFDM , then I simulate them by using Verilog HDL language and Quartus software development platform in MATLAB and FPGA and get their simulation map, so that I can make a comparison of wave difference between before modulation and after demodulation and analysis the differences deeply. Finally I try my best to find out the real cause of these results and come up with reasonable ways to avoid and resolve the problems bad for wireless communication, deepen the low-IF digital modulation methods of understanding through it and lay important foundations for design the wireless communication system in my future. Through various digital modulation methods of comparison I know: to design a reasonable modulation system, several factors must be taken into account in making digital modulation system design, such as error rate, bandwidth, bandwidth efficiency, signal to noise ratio, spectrum overflow. Key words:digital modulation; software radio; FPGA; OFDM 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 前言 1 1.1 软件无线电的概念 1 1.2 理想


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