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人物描写;一.人物描写常用词语;小心眼的 心胸宽广的 有耐心的 不耐烦的 贪心的 理性的 大方的 小气的 思想保守的 幽默的;谦虚的 可信赖的 意志坚定的 聪明的 好脾气的 友好的 心地善良的 金子般的心的;擅长打篮球 be good at basketball 不擅长数学be bad at maths 带眼镜的中年女士a middle-aged lady with glasses 5岁的蓝眼睛女孩a 5-year-old blue-eyed girl 32岁的医生a doctor of 32 years old; a 32-year-old doctor 对学生严格be strict with students 毕业后after graduation 毕业于南京大学graduate from Nanjing University 梦想成为一名记者dream of/about being a journalist; long to be a journalist 喜爱be fond of 对数学有天赋have a gift/talent for Maths; be gifted/talented in Maths 有礼貌的be polite to; with good manners ;乐于帮助他人be ready to help others 对穷人慷慨be generous with the poor 容易与他人相处get along with others easily 喜欢写文章be fond of writing; like writing articles; like to write articles 高度评价他的贡献 think/speak highly of his contribution/devotion 为青少年树立了一个好榜样 set a good example for the youth/ teenagers 对陌生人友善be friendly to strangers 有一个记单词的好方法 have a good way of remembering words 以卖报为生 make a living by selling newspapers 出国留学 go abroad for further studies 做实验do experiment 是第一个到达的人 be the first to arrive;不在乎钱 care little about money 过着简单的生活 live a simple life 发行第一张唱片 release the first record 为他骄傲 be proud of him 做为一个年轻人 as a young man 收到青少年的欢迎be popular with/among teenagers 对数学感兴趣be interested in Maths 对医学作出了巨大的贡献make great contributions to medicine;四. 句子小练;9. 她擅长电脑。 She is good at computer. 10. 我是一个擅长社交的女孩。 I am good at communicating with others. 11. 我写信来申请这份工作,因为我觉得我有资格。 I am writing to apply for this job because I think I am qualified. 12. 他有唱歌的天赋。 He has a gift / talent for singing. / He is gifted / talented in singing. 13. 我相信我的事业迟早会成功的。 I’m sure my career will take off sooner or later. 14. 她天生是一个歌唱演员 / 舞蹈演员。 She was born (to be) a singer / dancer. 15. 一直以来我的梦想是当老师, 因为我喜欢小孩。 It has long been my dream to be a teacher because I like kids.;五.写作练习;Dear Harry, I’m writing to apply for the photographer for Our Steps. I’m Li Hua, a boy of sixteen, presently in my first year of


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