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爱特精英TOEFL-iBT阅读讲义(Version 090701) 一、TOEFL-iBT阅读的特点 TOEFL-iBT阅读与旧托福阅读的五大不同 TOEFL-iBT阅读文章长度、题目数量、考试时间与以前托福的不同 原托福阅读考试时间为55分钟,共有5篇文章,文章长度在350字/篇,每篇文章所带题目在10道左右,总题目数量50道 TOEFL-iBT阅读篇数为3-5篇,每篇考试时间为20分钟,总时间为60-100分钟,每篇文章字数在750字左右,每篇文章所带题目为12-14道; TOEFL-iBT阅读文章中的专业词汇处理及题目定位处理的不同 a. A word in blue in a passage indicates that a definition is available for the word. Clicking on the word brings up this definition. 文章中所出现的生僻词汇和专业词汇,都由蓝色字体标出,并附有相应的定义和解释; b. Whenever a question refers to a particular word or sentence in the passage. The word or sentence is highlighted. You do not need to search for it. Detail questions on TOEFL-iBT identify the particular paragraph in which the answer can be found, so you do not need to scan the passage in order to find the location of an answer to a detail question. 所有关于Language Use的问题都是对文章中某个单词,某句话或某个段落进行发问,不再考查问题定位能力,从而降低了答题难度 另一方面,新托福出题顺序与文章顺序具有一致性,可以对题目在文章中进行大致的定位; TOEFL-iBT阅读的题型变化及分值变化 新托福阅读的题型: Basic Information and Inferencing questions (11-13 questions per set) Factual Information questions (3 to 6 questions per set) 事实信息题 Negative Factual Information questions (0 to 2 questions per set) 否定事实信息题 Inference questions (0 to 2 questions per set) 推理题 Rhetorical Purpose questions (0 to 2 questions per set) 修辞目的题 Vocabulary questions (3 to 5 questions per set) 词汇题 Reference questions (0 to 2 questions per set) 指代题 Sentence Simplification questions (0 to 1 questions per set) 句子简化题 Insert Text question (0 to 1 questions per set) 插入文本题 Reading to Learn questions (1 per set) 阅读领会题 Prose Summary文章总结题 Fill in a Table文章填表题(信息归类题) 其中,前6种与以前托福相同,而后4种则为新的题型,包括简化句子,插句,文章总结题和文章填表题; Prose Summary与Fill in a Table的分值分布如下: Prose Summary Points Possible Answers Correct Points Earned 2 Points 3 2 2 1 0-1 0 Fill in a Table Points Possible Answers Correct Points Earned 3 Points 5 3 4 2 3 1 0-2 0 4 Points 7 4 6 3 5 2 4 1 0-3 0


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