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有關外銷模具客人大概會問題ssues of concern may be from customers 公司方面 About Company: 公司成立多久? 公司成立于1987年03 /14日,模具部門成立於1990年六月。 How long has the company been set up? The company was founded in March 14th,1987, and Mould manufacturer was set up in Jun 1990. 公司是屬於什麼性質的企What enterprise the company belongs to? 獨資的外商(台資)企業solely foreign-owned enterprise(Taiwan capital) 佔地與建築物面積: 佔地37000平方米.建築物面積39500平方米 Plant area Building area: Plant area 37,000 m2, Building area 39,500 m2 公司主要可以提供哪些服務 模具設計制造,注塑成型,二次加工;電子產品製造組裝。 What kinds of service the company provide? Mould design, Mould making, Plastic injection Molding, Secondary operation, Electronic parts manufacturing assembly 公司在海外是否有設辦公室或模具維修點,是否有這方面的計劃     目前還沒有海外維修點,後續視情況需要再做決定。 If the company has any oversea offices or oversea mould repairing shops? Any plans about this? Currently the company has no oversea office or oversea mould repairing shop, We will see how things go in the future.. 公司未來展望與新技術導入 已導入RHCM無結合线模具製造技術,並專攻高鏡面高精度的塑膠成 型模具,未來還會持續導入雙色成型模具製造技術。 Company future outlook and technology input We have led in the technique of RHCM non-bonding line mold manufacturing. And specializing in High Precision and high gloss plastic injection mould. We will continue in the future to lead in the bi-color mould making technology.     員工總數 1140人含模具設計製造140人成型後加工等600人電子製造組裝400人。 Total number of employees? With 1140 employees in total in the company, Which 140 employees for mould maker, 600 employees for molding and secondary operation etc. 400 employees for electronic manufacturing assembly line. 巳取得哪方面的品質認證,是否有其它方面認證計劃 我们巳经取得ISO9001/ISO14001的认证,未来我们将计划取得TS16949的认证 What quality certificate achieved? Any plan for other certificate? We achieved ISO9001;ISO14001,We are going to achieve TS16949 in the near future. 主要客戶群 富士康集團;光寶集團; 智邦,PRO/E5.0) 可以接收哪些格式的圖檔,我們最希望客人提供什麼格式的圖檔 (可接收PRO/E5.0, STEP, IGES格式圖檔。希望客人優先提供PRO/E5.0格式圖檔,其次step格 式圖檔)。 What format data can be accepted? What is the most expectant data from custo


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