基于Eclipse RCP的个人记账系统的设计与实现.doc

基于Eclipse RCP的个人记账系统的设计与实现.doc

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基于Eclipse RCP的个人记账系统的设计与实现

毕业(设计)论文 题 目 基于Eclipse RCP的个人记账系统的设计与实现 学生姓名 专业班级 会计+软件03-1 所在院系      软 件 学 院         指导教师 职称  副教授   所在单位 软件学院嵌入式系统教研室    教研室主任                 完成日期 2008 年 月 日 摘 要 RCP(Eclipse Rich Client Platform)是Eclipse平台的一套子集,开发客户端程序。因为使用了SWT技术,RCP界面美观度和响应速度都非常优秀。而对于程序员来说,Eclipse的开放源代码让他们可以阅读最的Java源码,学习最优秀的Java技术。在Eclipse源码中,有着诸多设计模式的使用,其编码的优雅和高效令人叹服不已并且以Eclipse插件方式来开发系统,可以基于原有Eclipse菜单、编辑器来扩展,节省了很多开发精力,所以RCP的应用和开发在有着很广的应用前景以及极大的潜在市场需求。本文首先研究了和富客户端技术,分析了相关核心技术和各自的优势。SWT/JFace ABSTRACT The Eclipse Rich Client Platform is a subset of the Eclipse platform, which is designed to serve as an open tools platform so that its components could be used to build just about any client application. The Rich Client Platform which is constructed with SWT, has a rich platform-oriented user interface with good performance. For Java programmers, the open source of Eclipse provides a chance to read and learn the best source codes in the Java domain, and many Java design patterns are used in the Eclipse structure elegantly and fantastically. Whats more, many GUI elements like menus, views, editors facilitate the development process and many developed plug-in can be supported well in all of RCP applications. RCP has prosperity in the world. Firstly, this paper has a research of personal financial software and the component technology of RCP, analyzes the related core technologies and each advantages. Thereafter, this paper brings in requirements and design phase, analyses all the functions that personal financial software needs. Then the paper builds all the entities to objects and designs the database. And the paper did the implementation phase just on the basis of the specification. Then the paper did the test phase including system test, stress test and acceptable test. Finally, the paper briefly summarizes itself and puts forward some tasks to make the software better. Keywords: Eclipse Plug-in SWT/JFace 目 录 第一章 绪论 1


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