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基于flash的聊天室的设计与实现 摘 要 聊天室是网民之间相互沟通、交流情感的最佳方式之一。据CNNIC在2007年2月公布的最新调查结果显示,中国已拥有网民28700万,其中就有40.2%的网民经常网上聊天,网民平均每周用于上网聊天的时间高达97小时。聊天室的另一个优势就是互动性强,在虚拟世界,网民们可以毫无顾忌地畅所欲言,因而聊天室具有相当强的黏度,可以延长网民在网站上的逗留时间。 Flash表现物体的运动和形状渐变非常容易,其发生过程完全自动生成,无须人为地在两个对象间插入关键帧。利用遮罩及路径,可产生极好的动画效果。 用Flash制作的聊天室极易上网发布、交流,实时性强。Flash还可以将制作成的影片生成独立的可执行文件(.exe),在不具备Flash播放器的电脑平台上运行,因此,除制作网页、聊天室外还可以将其应用于商业演示及电子贺卡制作等。此外,许多多媒体软件内都可以直接使用Flash制作的影片(.swf),无缝集成Flash小巧的、漂亮的、可缩放的矢量图形和动画,旋转、缩放Flash动画质量毫无损失。 关键词:聊天室,黏度 ,实时 The Realization of flash chatting room Abstract Internet is the best means of communication for the people on the internet ,in accordance with the survey of CNNIC in 2007,china already has 287 million people as a registered person on net, and 40.2% of them spent much time on net-chatting , and some of them even spent about 97 hours to chat. Another advantage of net-chatting is that it’s inter-communication power is very strong, in the virtual world you can communicate with each other without any afraid of other person’s attention, therefore net chatting is a great mean of helping us to let our visitors to stay on the web sit. Flash performance object-oriented movement and shape is very easy, its incidence fully automated production process, no artificial objects in two key frame insertion. Use shielding and trails can produce excellent animation. Produced by Flash chat rooms posted vulnerable exchange and Have good real-time . Flash also can be made into an independent film production of executable files (. exe) do not have a Flash player computer platform and therefore, apart from producing the website, Outdoor Chat can also be used in business presentations, and electronic greeting card production. In addition, many of multimedia software can be used directly in the production of Flash movies (. swf) Seamless Integration Flash compact, and beautiful, scalable vector graphics and animation, rotation, Zoom Flash animation without qual


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