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第32 卷第11期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) V o l. 32, No. 11 2 0 1 1 年 11 月 Journal of Nor heas ern U niversi y( N a ural Science) N o v. 2 0 1 1 1, 2 1 2 李红影 , 谢里阳, 郭星辉 ( 1. , 110819; 2. , 110819) : . , , , . : . . : ; ; ; ; : O 322 : A : 1005- 3026( 2011) 11- 1627- 04 Inherent Characteristics of the Cylindrical Panel Blade 1, 2 1 2 LI Hong-ying , XIE L i-yang , G UO X ing-hui ( 1. Schoo l of M echanical Engineering Au oma ion, No r heas ern U niv ersi y, Shenyang 1108 19 , China; 2. School of Sciences, Nor heas er n U niversi y , Shenyang 110 819, China. Cor responding au hor: G U O Xing- hui, prof essor, E- mail: guox inghui @ mail. neu. edu . cn) Abstract: A n analy ical me hod for calcula ing he inheren charac eris ic of cylindrical panel blade w as proposed. T he blade w as simplified as a can ilevered open cylindrical shell moun ed on a disc. By making mode shapes f unc ion of can ilevered g irder in he longi udinal direc ion subs i u e for varia ional equa ions so as o simplify i in o a cons an differen ial equa ion in he o her direc ion, he na ural frequencies and he mode shapes w ere hus achieved by solving he equa ion. T he resul s w ere also com pared w i h ha of he FEM . I show ed ha he analy ical me hod provides high calcula ion precision . T he as- ob ained na ural frequencies and he mode shape f unc ion can be fur her used o s udy he nonlinear charac eris ics and fa igue life of sing le blade or mul -i blades. Key words: can ilever; cy



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