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茶叶科学 2011 ,31 (6 ):479~484 Journal of Tea Science 蒙山茶叶中矿质元素含量的季节特征及溶出率研究 赵颖,张利 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院,四川 雅安 625014 摘要:利用火焰原子吸收光谱法对不同季节采摘的蒙山茶鲜叶及其浸出液中矿质元素 Ca 、Mg 、Fe 、Mn 、Cu 、 Zn 的含量进行测定,计算出茶叶浸出液中各元素溶出率。应用 SPSS-18.0 分析软件对鲜叶中各元素含量进行 相关性分析,并讨论了各元素在茶叶中季节性变化规率。结果表明:茶叶中含有丰富的矿质元素,各元素含量 从高到低依次是 CaMgMnFeZnCu ;各矿质元素含量的季节动态具有明显的规律性;茶叶中 Ca 和 Mg 元 素,Fe 和 Mn 元素含量呈显著正相关趋势,Ca 和 Zn 元素间存在显著负相关。相同条件下,不同元素的溶出 率与该元素在茶叶中存在形态相关,而与其在茶叶中含量及采摘季节无显著关系。 关键词:绿茶;火焰原子吸收法;矿质元素;季节;溶出率 中图分类号:S571.1 ;Q493.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-369X(2011 )06-479-06 Season Features of Mineral Elements and Dissolved Rates in Tea of Mengshan ZHAO Ying, ZHANG Li College of Life and Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an 625014, China Abstract: The contents of trace elements Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in tea leaves of Mengshan which plucked in different seasons were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The concentration and dissolved rates of six trace elements in their influsiong were calculated. The correlations of trace elements were analyzed using SPSS18.0 analysis software. The result showed that there were abundant trace elements in tea leaves of Mengshan, the contents order is CaMgFeMnZnCu. There were positive correlation between Fe and Mn, Ca and Zn. On the contrary, Ca has a negative correlation with Zn. The seasonal dynamics of these elements had obvious regularity in tea leaves. The dissolved rates of various elements were correlated to the form of elements in tea, however, there is no significant relationship between dissolved rates and the plucking seasons. Keywords: green tea, FAAS, mineral elements, season, dissolved rate 茶叶为世界三大饮料之一,对人体的生理 分,参与生物体各种生命


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