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English Final Examination Book 3A 小学英语3A期末试卷 Class(班级)__________ Name(姓名)__________ Score(成绩)_________ Part 1 Listening (40 points) Ⅰ. Look, listen and match the pictures. The first one is done for you. (8 points) (看图听录音,将物品连线到图中相应位置。第一题是例子。) Ⅱ. Listen to the riddle. Number the corresponding pictures. (18 points) (听谜语,在括号里写出相应图画的序号。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ⅲ. Read, listen and tick the letter. (5 points) (读字母,听录音,在你听到的一组字母前的里打勾。) 2 3 4 5 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )M ( ) ( ) Ⅳ. Listen to the story. Tick the right answer according to the story. (9 points) (听故事,根据故事的内容,在正确的选项前打勾。) Where do Smith and his wife live? They live in a garden. They live on a farm. Who likes flowers? Mrs. Smith likes flowers. Bees like flowers. What do they have on the farm? They have flowers, apple trees and animals on the farm. They have a school, a shop and a lake on the farm. Part 2 Writing ( 60 points) Ⅰ. Read and write the missing letters. (10 points) (读字母,在四线格上写出所缺字母。) A a B b C c Ee Ff Gg Ii Jj Ll Mm Oo Pp Qq Uu Vv Ww Ⅱ. Look at the picture. Write the word in the ( ) under the right picture . (10 points) (看图,选择词框中的单词写在相应图下的括号里。) eraser cow rose quilt stairs truck worms head zoo umbrella ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. Find the word that does not belong. Write a word that belongs. (10 points) 用○圈出每组不同类的词Ⅳ. Choose the right word for the picture to finish the sentence. (10 points) (从右侧的词框中选词,连线到相应的图片。) 1. There is a _______ in my bedroom. 2. Look, the girl is ___________. 3. I like to drink . 4. I have a cute . 5. The mother ___________ is walking with her little ducklings. Ⅴ. Read the



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