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The Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889 by architect Eiffel design. the Eiffel Tower is built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution and meet the international fair held in Paris, after the completion of the controversial co-branded protest walks, 300 people, including a famous writer zola and small 1824. The 320 metres high tower, tower three layers, one, the second floor have a restaurant, coffee stands, and so on, the third floor is Taiwan in sunny overlooking delou, but since then the day of 70 kilometers of the Paris suburban areas outside. Paris arc DE triomphe(巴黎凯旋门) 巴黎凯旋门,即雄狮凯旋门(Arc de triomphe de l‘étoile),位于法 国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,是拿破仑为纪念1805年打败俄奥联军的胜 利,于1806年下令修建而成的。拿破仑被推翻后,凯旋门工程中途辍 止。波旁王朝被推翻后又重新复工,到1836年终于全部竣工。 Paris Arc DE triomphe, namely lion Arc DE triomphe Arc DE triomphe (Etoile DE l Paris, France), is located in the middle of the square, Charles DE gaulles to commemorate 1805 beat Russia Austrian armies of victory, in 1806 ordered built. Napoleon was overthrown, arc DE triomphe engineering midway dropping out after stops. After the overthrow bourbon dynasty again return to work to be completed in 1836 finally. Why is the smile of Mona Lisa so attractive? 《蒙娜丽莎》的微笑为何如此美丽? Have we driven an conclusion concerning the problem that Is picture of Mona Lisa fake or real? ? 《蒙娜丽莎》的真伪是否已有定论? Is Mona Lisa set in the birthplace of Da Vinci?// Is the background of MonaLisa the birthplace of Da Vinci? 《蒙娜丽莎》的北京是达芬奇的出生地? 普罗旺斯 Provence in southern France, from the date of birth on her carefully guarded secret, until the arrival of the British Bidemeier, Provence has a unique lifestyle for a long time before gradually lifted the veil. Mels pen in the Provence is no longer a mere geographical name, but also represents a simple and worry-free, easy lazy way of life, a Chongrubujing, see Pretrial to blossom; fate of intention , hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu the leisurely mood. If travel is to get rid of the shackles of l


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