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目录 Catalog 摘要Summary 关键词Keywords 引言Introduction 第一章 母语迁移的概念及影响 UNIT 1 The concept and impact of language transfer 1.1母语及迁移的概念 1.1 The concept of mother tongue and migration 1.1Mother tongue: 1.2母语迁移的概念 1.2The concept of language transfer 1.3正迁移和负迁移 1.3 Positive and negative transfer 1.3.1 The positive transfer 1.3.2 The negative transfer 1.4母语迁移对语言学习带来的影响 1.4 The impact of language transfer of language learning 第二章 母语及英语的对比 UNIT 2 Comparison of mother tongue and English 1. 语音 Pronunciation 2. 词汇 Vocabulary 1.1词汇的形态标志 Morphological signs of vocabulary 1.2词类的不同 The different word type 1.3词义不等同 The different meaning 1.4词语搭配 3. 语法 Grammar 4. 文化 Culture 第三章 了解差异,取长补短 UNIT 3 1. 语音 Pronunciation 2. 词汇 Vocabulary 3. 语法 Grammar 4. 文化 Culture 5.总结 Summary 3.5.1 3.5.2 Using a variety of learning methods 3.5.3 Familiar with basic grammar, experience culture 结束语Conclusions 摘要:母语迁移在英语学习中占重要地位。当今社会, 英语学习中母语对其影响已经被广泛的认识, 并且对其的正负迁移有着不同的理解及立场, 如何在母语迁移下学好英语已经是当今社会一大问题。母语对英语学习有着正反两方面的作用。母语迁移对英语学习者的影响主要表现在语音、词汇、语法以及文化四个方面。因此, 要合理的运用母语的正迁移, 尽全力消除或降低母语的负迁移, 达到促进英语的学习。 Summary: Language transfer is an important role in learning English. In modern society, the impact of mother tongue in English language learning has been widely recognized. And the migration of positive and negative mother tongue has a different understanding and position. How to learn English language transfer is a significant problem in todays society. Mother tongue in English learning has a role in both positive and negative side. The impact of language transfer for English learners mainly in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and culture areas .So, the rational use of positive transfer of mother tongue to make every effort to eliminate or reduce the negative transfer of mother tongue and to promote the learning of English. 关键词:母语 汉语 正负迁移 英语学习的障碍及解决方式 Key words: mother tongue Chinese positive and negative migration the barriers and solutions of English l


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