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分 数:_______ 《西方文化概论》课程论文 论文题目 希腊神话的哲学思想及其与孔子中庸之道的比较 专 业_____ __________ 年 级__ ____ 学 号___ _____ 学生姓名_____ ______________ Contents 摘要 ii Abstract iii Text 4 About the Confucius 4 His life experiences and the background he lives. 4 His philosophy and the doctrine of the Golden Mean 2 A short introduction about the Greek mythology 3 The expression from Confucius and the comparison between the two philosophy 4 Bibliography 6 摘要 本论文通过对希腊神话的哲学思想及其与孔子中庸之道的产生原因和形成背景作简要的分析,对两种不同时代、不同地域、不同文明的两种文化思想进行了初步的对比。文章先是对孔子哲学思想的产生的起源,当时的地理社会背景以及孔子的一生做了简要的介绍,并举例介绍孔子中庸思想的具体表现,让读者对孔子和中庸有一个比较熟悉的初步印象。随即对希腊神话的产生、发展做简单提要(因为课堂上已讲了许多不做详述)分析其这哲学思想的体现,价值观和人生观、审美态度等进行浅析,进而对两中伟大的思想文明进行对比。 关键词:孔子 众神文化 奥林匹克精神 中庸。 Abstract This thesis is generally about the introductions and the comparisons between the philosophy of the Greek mythology and the middlebrow from the Confucius. Firstly, the thesis will give a brief introduction about the middlebrow philosophy, its social background, and the Confucius’s whole life. Tell the readers why does the the middlebrow philosophy come into being and give the detailed expression about it from Confucius’s saying. Then introduce the philosophy of the ancient Greek, its stories, and show how the philosophy come into being and develops, analyzing the embodiment of its value, esthetics. At the same time, do comparisons between the philosophy of the Greek mythology and the middlebrow from the Confucius which comes from the different times, areas, and civilizations. More emphasizes will be focused on the middlebrow from the Confucius and Confucius himself, because we have learn a lot about the ancient Greek from the class and the middlebrow and the Confucius are hard to understand. Key words: Confucius; the spirits of the gods; the Olympic spirit; middlebrow. Text About the Confucius His life experiences and the background he lives. Confucius (born Kong Qiu, styled Zhong Ni) was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu in 551 B.C., a p


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