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Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2005 25 551–559
DOI 101007s00170-003-1843-3
SH Masood · B Abbas · E Shayan · A Kara
An investigation into design and manufacturing of mechanical conveyors systems
for food processing
Received 29 March 2003 Accepted 21 June 2003 Published online 23 June 2004
Springer-Verlag London Limited 2004
Abstract This paper presents the results of a research investi-
gation undertaken to develop methodologies and techniques that
will reduce the cost and time of the design manufacturing and
assembly of mechanical conveyor systems used in the food and
beverage industry The improved methodology for design and
production of conveyor components is based on the minimisa-
tion of materials parts and costs using the rules of design for
manufacture and design for assembly Results obtained on a test
conveyor system verify the benets of using the improved tech-
niques The overall material cost was reduced by 19 and the
overall assembly cost was reduced by 20 compared to conven-
tional methods
Keywords Assembly · Cost reduction · Design · DFA · DFM ·
Mechanical conveyor
1 Introduction
Conveyor systems used in the food and beverage industry are
highly automated custom made structures consisting of a large
number of parts and designed to carry products such as food
cartons drink bottles and cans in fast production and assembly
lines Most of the processing and packaging of food and drink in-
volve continuous operations where cartons bottles or cans are re-
quired to move at a controlled speed for lling or assembly oper-
ations Their operations require highly efcient and reliable me-
chanical conveyors which range from overhead types to oor-
mounted types of chain roller or belt driven conveyor systems
In recent years immense pressure from clients for low cost
but efcient mechanical conveyor systems has pushed con-
veyor manufacturers to review their current design and assembly
methods and look at a
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