分子生物学28957 PPT.ppt

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分子生物学28957 PPT

CHAPTER 15;The Central Dogma;Outlin;Topic 1: THE CODE IS DEGENERATE;Many amino acids are specified by more than one codon-degeneracy (简并性). Codons specifying the same amino acid are called synonyms (同义密码子).;Code degeneracy explains how there can be great variation in the AT/GC ratios in the DNA of various organisms without large changes in the proportion of amino acids in their proteins.;1-1 Perceiving Order in the Makeup of the Code;Code Degeneracy;1-2 Wobble in the Anticodon;Inosine;Wobble Concept;Table 15-2 Pairing Combinations with the Wobble Concept;The Wobble Rules;Figure 15-2 Wobble base pairing;Critical Thinking;Why wobble is allowed at the 5’ anticodon?;Figure 15-3 Structure of yeast tRNA(Phe);1-3 Three Codons Direct Chain Termination;1-4 How the Code Was Cracked (解开);1-5 Stimulation of Amino Acid Incorporation by Synthetic mRNAs;;Experimental Results: ;1-6 Mixed Copolymers Allowed Additional Codon Assignments;;1-7 Transfer RNA Binding to Defined Trinucleotide Codons (1964);1-8 Codon Assignments from Repeating Copolymers;Figure 15-5 Preparing oligo-ribonucleotides;;Topic 2: THREE RULES GOVERN THE GENETIC CODE;Three Rules;2-1 Three Kinds of Point Mutations Alter the Genetic Code; 3. Frameshift mutation(一码突变): Insertions or deletions of one or a small number of base pairs that alter the reading frame.;2-2 Genetic Proof that the Code Is Read in Units of Three;Topic 3: SUPPRESSOR MUTATIONS CAN RESIDE IN THE SAME OR A DIFFERENT GENE;Reverse (back) mutations: change an altered nucleotide sequence back to its original arrangement. Suppressor mutations: suppress the change due to mutation at site A by producing an additional genetic change at site B. (1) Intragenic suppression (2) Intergenic suppression;Suppressor genes: genes that cause suppression of mutations in other genes. Suppressor mutations work by producing good (or partially good) copies of the protein that are made inactive by the original harmful mutation.;Figure 15-6 Suppression of frameshift mu


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