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刚果国有矿业公司看好中资 The chairman of Gecamines, the state-controlled mining company in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has outlined ambitious plans to partner with Chinese investors to ramp up production of copper and other commodities in the resource-rich African country. 刚果民主共和国的国有控股矿业公司Gecamines的董事长介绍了雄心勃勃的计划,打算与中国投资者合作,提高这个资源丰富的非洲国家的铜和其他大宗商品的产量。 Albert Yuma Mulimbi told the Financial Times he was dissatisfied with most existing joint ventures involving western mining companies, and claimed they had failed to generate adequate returns for Gecamines. 艾伯特.尤马.穆林比(Albert Yuma Mulimbi)告诉英国《金融时报》,他对现有大多数跟西方矿业公司组建的合资企业感到不满,称它们未能为Gecamines带来足够高的回报。 Gecamines is proposing to use a partnership with China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group to develop a major new copper mine as a blueprint for future joint ventures with other Chinese companies or overseas investors. Gecamines提出,为了开发一座新的大型铜矿而与中国有色矿业(China Nonferrous Metal Mining)组建的一家合资企业,可以作为未来与其他中国企业或海外投资者组建合资企业的范本。 Mr Yuma said Gecamines was seeking to lift production at projects involving the company to more than 100,000 tonnes of copper a year by 2018, compared with less than 20,000 in 2015. As well as being home to 10 per cent of the world’s copper reserves, the DRC is also a major source of cobalt, widely used in so-called superalloys and lithium ion batteries. 尤马表示,Gecamines正寻求到2018年把该公司所参与项目的年度铜产量提高到10万吨以上,而2015年的这一数字尚不足2万吨。除了拥有世界铜储量的10%,刚果民主共和国也是钴的重要产地。钴被广泛应用于超耐热合金和锂离子电池。 “We want to become again, as in the past, one of the biggest players in copper and cobalt,” said Mr Yuma in an interview with the Financial Times. “我们希望像以往那样,再次成为铜和钴的最大供应方之一,”尤马在接受英国《金融时报》采访时说。 After the country’s mining sector was nationalised in the 1960s by the then dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, Gecamines became a major industry force, producing almost 500,000 tonnes of copper each year during the mid-1980s. 1960年代,该国的采矿业被当时的独裁者蒙博托.塞塞.塞科(Mobutu Sese Seko)收归国有。之后,Gecamines成为了一支重要的行业力量,在1980年代中期的年度铜产量接近50万吨。 But the company came close to collapse during the fin


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