第5节 DNA复制的结束.ppt

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第5节 DNA复制的结束

第5节 DNA复制的结束;1. 环形DNA复制的结束;2. 线性DNA复制的结束 2.1 引物蛋白 ?线性DNA细菌 ?线性DNA病毒 2.2 端粒的合成 ?真核细胞;2. 线性DNA复制的结束 2.1 引物蛋白;2. 线性DNA复制的结束 2.2 端粒的合成 2.2.1 端粒的结构 (the structure of telomeres);2. 线性DNA复制的结束 2.2 端粒的合成 2.2.2 端粒酶(Telomerase);端粒合成小结 ①通过端粒酶RNA不断与DNA的3′序列的互补结合,延长DNA的3′ ②比较长的3′为模板,以后随链合成机制合成冈崎片段 ③把冈崎片段连接到DNA5′,切除冈崎片段上的RNA引物;?2009年8月,农业部批准了转基因抗虫水稻“华恢1号”和“Bt汕优63”的生产应用安全证书。;3. 端粒结合蛋白;;We have applied a super-resolution fluorescence imaging method, stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), to visualize the structure of functional telomeres and telomeres rendered dysfunctional through removal of shelterin proteins. The STORM images showed that functional telomeres frequently exhibit a t-loop configuration. Conditional deletion of individual components of shelterin showed that TRF2 was required for the formation and/or maintenance of t-loops, whereas deletion of TRF1, Rap1, or the POT1 proteins (POT1a and?POT1b) had no effect on the frequency of t-loop occurrence. ;Within the shelterin complex, TRF2 uniquely serves to protect telomeres from two pathways that are initiated on free DNA ends: classical nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and ATM-dependent DNA damage signaling. The TRF2-dependent remodeling of telomeres into t-loop structures, which sequester the ends of chromosomes, can explain why NHEJ and the ATM signaling pathway are repressed when TRF2 is present.;3. 端粒结合蛋白 ;总结 DNA合成的底物 DNA聚合酶 其他蛋白酶和蛋白质 复制叉 DNA复制的起始 复制叉DNA的复制--DNA合成的延伸 DNA复制的结束—端粒;作业 端粒的合成机制


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