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25 6 V o l. 25 No . 6 2003 12 PIEZO EL E CT RICS ACO U ST O OP T I CS D ec. 2003 : 1004-2474 ( 200 3) 06-0449-04 1 1 2 1 1 刘昌文, 吴 正, 罗诗金, 刘 杰, 王仕康 ( 1. , 3000722. , 300072) : ( O EHF-L DA ) ( AO S-L DA ) , , , , , L DA , : ; ; : T N 247: A Dynamic Response of Acousto-optic Device and Its Influence on LDA 1 1 2 1 1 - , , - , , - LIU Chang wen WU Zheng LUO Shi j in LIU ie WANG Shi kang ( 1. , , 300072, ; 2. , 400072, ) School o M echanical Eng ineering T ianjin U nivers it y T ianjin Chin a Radio Fact ory o T ianjin U nivers it y T ianjin China : - - Abstract T his paper deals w ith impor tant in luence o a co u st o o pt ic devices dy namic response o n O EHF L DA and A O S-L DA , in w hich acou stoo ptic modulat or and de lecto r w or king w ith var iable requency . Beg in w ith theo - , - retical analy sis dy nam ic r espo nse o aco u st o optic device is discu ssed t hr o ug h com putation and the theo retic r e- sults ar e pr ov ed by ex per iment . T hen the in luence o delay r espo nse o n OEHF -L DA and AO S-L DA is discu ssed , . - . deeply and inally essential requir ement on adj u st ment o acou sto optic device is given Key words: laser do ppler anemo metr y( L D A) ; aco usto -o ptic scanning ; optic r equency shi t 1 前言 2 声光器件动态特性的研究 ( L DA ) 1946 Y eh 2. 1 Cum mius


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