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从零开始学口语哪家好 He was transported to the hospital and pronounced dead. No arrest has been made and the search for a suspect or suspects is ongoing. 他被送往医院后,随即宣布死亡。目前警方还没有逮捕到任何疑犯,搜查仍在继续。 ?需要教育、健康以及其他方面的信息?查看诺基亚 1050 中内置的“诺基亚生活通”服务,资讯随时更新,让您随时随地,轻松获取最新信息。 Need a hand with education, healthcare or getting on in the world? Check out Nokia Life for all the information you need to grab every opportunity. It’s an SMS advice service that’s like having the internet at your fingertips. Press a few buttons and all the information will be sent straight to your phone whenever you need it. It’s the little essentials that make life easier. Like five?programmable?alarms, a speaking clock, and a flashlight so you’re never in the dark. The Nokia 1050 also has an FM radio–-so all you need is a headset to tap into a world of news and music. 细节使生活更轻松;除了五种可编程的闹钟、语音时钟以及手电筒功能,诺基亚 1050 还支持 FM收音机功能。 A Chinese tourist was attacked and killed by a?hippopotamus?that strayed from Lake Naivasha into the compound of a hotel where she was staying. 一名中国游客在肯尼亚著名旅游景点纳瓦沙湖附近遭河马袭击身亡,据悉河马是误入了这名游客所在的酒店区域。 The incident occurred at Lake Naivasha Country Club five kilometres from Naivasha town. The woman in her 30’s was attacked by the?lactating?hippo mother which crushed her and she died on the way to hospital. 事故发生在离纳瓦沙镇5公里远的纳瓦沙湖乡村俱乐部,这名中国女游客30多岁,遭到哺乳期的母河马踩踏袭击,在被送往当地医院的途中身亡。 Kenya Wildlife Service officers moved in and shot dead the wild animal. The tourist was allegedly trying to take pictures of a young hippo when the mother attacked her. 肯尼亚野生动物机构的工作人员采取行动,射杀了这只母河马。据称当时这只女游客是想给一只小河马拍照,结果遭到了母河马的袭击。 According to Osman Ibrahim, the warden of Hells Gate National Park, the victim left her room at around 9pm after spotting the young hippo. 根据肯尼亚 “地狱之门” 国家公园的看守人员Osman Ibrahim的说法,晚上9点左右这名游客看到了这只小河马,就离开房间。 “The information we have is that the Chinese tourist started taking pictures of the young hippo and she was attacked by the mother,” he said. 他表示:“目前我们收集到的信息是,这名女游客当时是想给这只小河马拍照,结果遭母河马攻击。” “She was seriously injure


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