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计 算 机 系 统 应 用 2014 年 第 23 卷 第 1 期 面向Web 应用的报表管理系统生成器① 1,2 2 3 王素霞 , 于 放 , 臧 辉 1( 中国科学院大学 北京 100049) 2( 中国科学院 沈阳计算技术研究所, 沈阳 110168) 3(鞍山自来水总公司, 鞍山 114002) 摘 要: 结合“辽河流域水环境管理技术综合示范”项目, 研究面向Web 应用的多个业务系统的报表管理系统生成 器生成报表的问题. 详细描述了报表管理系统生成器的基本架构, 介绍了基于Cell 插件设计报表模板的基本思路, 同时提出其相应的函数库模块, 最后具体研究报表的扩展模型, 提出其算法, 以便检查表达式循环依赖, 并完成 客户端和服务器端的数据交互. 报表管理系统生成器已经初步实现, 可以很好地适应中国式报表格式复杂的特 点, 生成满足不同行业用户需求的报表. 关键词: 报表管理系统; 报表管理系统生成器; Cell; 扩展模型 Report Management System Generator for Web Application 1,2 2 3 WANG Su-Xia , YU Fang , ZANG Hui 1(Graduate School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China) 2(Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110168, China) 3(Anshan City Water Corportion, Anshan 114002, China) Abstract: The Report Management System Generator for web application is aimed at designing and generating the report needed by several business systems in the project of Comprehensive Demonstration of Water Environment Management about LiaoHe River Basin. The article elaborates the basic architecture of Report Management System Generator and introduces the basic thoughts about designing report templates based on Cell-Plugin and the corresponding function library module. Finally, it reasearches the extended module and proposes its algorithms in the Report Generator. Therefore, it could check the circular dependency of Formula and accomplish the data transfer between the Client and Server. The Roport Management System Generator has been initially realized already. This tool can be applied to generate the complicate style of Chinese Report and meet the needs in different industries. Key


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