Gender,Development,and Empower ment in Qinghai Pro.docVIP

Gender,Development,and Empower ment in Qinghai Pro.doc

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Gender,Development,and Empower ment in Qinghai Pro   A report on the initiatives of Shem, a Qinghai-based Tibetan womens group dedicated to empowering Tibetan women and their communities through grassroots development.      Without the active participation of women and the incorporation of women and the incorporation of womens perspectives in all levels of decision making, the goals of development [...] cannot be achieved      --Beijing Platform for Action, 1995      More than a decade ago, at the Fourth World Conference on Women, six thousand delegates from 189 different countries gathered in Beijing to advance the goals of equality, development and peace for all women everywhere in the interest of all humanity (Beijing 1995). The participants in the Beijing Platform for Action declared it Essential to design, implement and monitor, with the full participation of women, effective, efficient and mutually reinforcing gender-sensitive policies and programs, including development policies and programs, at all levels that will foster the empowerment and advancement of women (Beijing 1995). Since this groundbreaking conference, China has seen a rise in activism on behalf of women.      Womens right activists, with the help of the Womens Federation, have galvanized support and funding for the fight against domestic violence. In addition, several universities around the country have established Gender Studies centers dedicated to research and teaching (China Development Brief 2005). But the majority of this vibrant activity on behalf of women has occuredin the easternmost parts of the country. This begs the question: What advancements for women have been made in the rest of China? This article focuses on development work being done by Tibetans in Qinghai Province and how this work reflects the goals stated more than ten years ago in Beijing.         A main goal stated at the Beijing conference was to create a people-centered sustainable development. There it wa


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